John Eberli

Lmao! That's brilliant! I never thought of the Charlie angle.

So weird seeing this comment and realizing it was written pre-Game of Thrones.

I loved it when they did it in season 3 of Community. It was mostly a send up of this particular trope, but it also made sense in the context of that world's descent into wackiness and facilitated some of the funniest jokes of the season by going back to the "Paradigms" clipshow well.

Spot on review. And nice Pixies reference. ;)

Unbe-FUCKING-lievable!!! I can't believe the Prophecy is coming true (and on Yahoo of all things)! #sixseasonsandamovie you guys. We did it. The greatest triumph the internet has ever known.

As soon as The Mountain was named the crown's champion I knew the people who predicted Oberyn would fight for Tyrion were right on the money.

Community can air its movie exclusively on the Oculus Rift! Brought to you by Facebook. :P (Or, since this is Sony we're talking about I guess Project Morpheus would be more appropriate).

THIS. And I always believed Donald might be coaxed into coming back one day. If not for season 6 than almost certainly for the movie.

There's just two reasons I'm having trouble letting Community go at this point. First, although I never really put any real stock in it and I know it is beyond silly, but when we did the impossible and got five seasons, it seems just ridiculous that we can't pull off the mantra that's become more and more like a

Yeah. Good points all around.

I understand. I'm actually a "The Village" apologist myself. Frankly I think it's a better film than Signs (which was full of religious nonsense and a completely dumb ending imo. Bear in mind I still like it.) I didn't really like The Village when I saw it in theaters, but I think that's mostly due to misplaced

Lol! Fair enough. I think the main thing that has made Shae less sympathetic for me has been her insufferable jealousy/insecurity. The idea that she always thought Tyrion wanted to bed Sansa, really bothered me, when it was obvious to everyone watching that Tyrion did not want this and is a far more compassionate

Fair enough. I didn't really consider this. But I don't know how it works in the world of Westeros.

I don't think that's quite fair. This idea that everyone is boiling down Shae's motivations to "LYING BITCH" seems like a strawman. Sure some people used that language, and you could say it's at best impolite and at worst viciously sexist, but I think people have made their opinions regarding the difference between

Wow. That was pretty good. I didn't really like how the decline of Shyamalan's career undercut Rabin's appreciation for his great early films, but the analysis was pretty spot on and I'm glad he liked Unbreakable so much (my favorite M. Night film and one of my favorite movies in general). A lot of critics unfairly

Never watched Heroes. But Unbreakable is a seriously underrated film. Everyone just (rightfully) thinks of M. Night Shyamalan as a joke these days, but The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable were both great.

Exactly. You nailed it. The unnecessary details of her lies are a clear indication that even if she is under duress, it is still very personal for her and she is truly betraying him out of spite.

That scene had shades of s1 when Varys told Ned that he admired him and wanted to help him, but told him in no uncertain terms that he wouldn't.

That scene had shades of s1 when Varys told Ned that he admired him and wanted to help him, but told him in no uncertain terms that he wouldn't.

Just out of curiosity, is your screen name taken from Unbreakable? (If so, let me just say: badass!)