
Even at MSRP this vehicle is overpriced for what it is. The $5540 price increase on the 2nd gen Civic Type R really hurt the market for this car. Acura along with Volvo and Infiniti were always “near luxury” and were more of a value proposition compared to BMW, MB, and Audi. This car would have made more sense at $45,2

Again with this assumption that before EVs we bought exactly what we wanted and not something that was made available to us after regulations, business decisions and market forces.

As a 2007 Mustang GT owner with a Hurst Gated Shifter, I have to say that I have never done a burnout or even floored it in first or second gear. As for the idiots who keep crashing their Mustang GT’s while trying to show off, most of them are driving an automatic and panic when they start to lose control and thus

Gonna poison myself and my family to own the libs”

sometimes we push back even against our own best interests too. funny how it works.

Can't attack his argument so you attack his looks. Classic Elon fan.

I can’t stop looking at high res of the wiper.  HOLY FUCK!

How can something be “sleek” and not hide its windshield wiper below the hood line like every other modern car?  And does it not even HAVE a right side wiper?  That one doesn’t look big enough to clear the whole windshield.

It is like that character in Mystery Men that is only invisible if no one is looking at him. 

This doesn’t disagree with your conclusion that 1mm isn’t significant over 6k miles, but 1mm was not the absolute wear on the tires, but the wear difference between the front and rear.

They’re definitely going to find a Camero down there, too.

That’s funny. I consider not sending money to a cartel of thugs a major plus to buying Tesla.

Ironically, Ron Desantis’ poll numbers being such a drag makes him illegal in Florida!

My educated guess : The pressure at 13000ft is so great that materials can contract. So any type of latching mechanism, unless it is positively secured (using bolts), can shift. I believe Cameron’s Challenger-deep submersible was similarly secured. 

Even if the occupants could open the submersible, they would be instantly crushed by the immense pressure.

Too ironic if directed by James Cameron?

There are a couple of these I don’t disagree with, but for most of them, I feel like this is just another piece of evidence in the case for not relying on Consumer Reports for anything automotive related.

There were some advantages to a time when we didn’t completely stop little kids from fighting. It teaches some lessons. If you’re smaller and a smart-ass, you learn to be careful with your wise-cracks, lest you get a bloody nose. If you’re bigger, you learn that a group of kids can kick your ass and so you moderate

A room where people who are delayed can take their anger out on disruptive passengers (with padded bats)* would be a Shark Tank investment proposition.

Some people just need to get beat up once in a while to give their Narcissisms a check. Though I am glad it ended peacefully.