
FYI, the firefighters and police figurines include teh wimmin.

This twerp from the 2005 War of the Worlds. Fine - you can be a moody teen to your deadbeat dad in everyday life, but when people start getting vaporised by giant robots and there's fucking trains on fire and explosions and shit just lose the attitude and do as you're told for a few fucking days!!

Oh dear god. Of course it's whiny, useless Connor from "Angel", and his horrifying daddy issues. AWFUL.

I win! Bella Swan. Reasons why she is annoying, she doesn't take action even when a Vampire is threatening to tear off her arm. Bonus she sits for several months in her room possibly not showering and bruiting over a boy

Ill just put this here.

Why are you writing about this like it's a good thing? Catwoman and Elektra hurt superheroine movies because they were rushed and shitty. Sony is known for rushing these movies. Go see Amazing Spider-man 2 and let me know if you think those creative minds are who you want charting female led super hero movies for

and if you wanna get real, the US genocide of Native Americans claimed 100 million people. Good times.

Doctor Who is a terrible example. He doesn't use brains. He uses a 'differently named' magic wand.

Yup. Picard could bring anyone to the table. Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra indeed.

My first choice you picked, The Doctor. So I will follow up with the TV version of Jean Luc Picard before he was turned into a action hero in Star Trek First Contact. He talked many a adversary to death during the 7 years of TNG.

Every time one of these articles comes out, it turns into an anti-science pissing match akin to climate change deniers vs. climate change believers, which I simply don't understand. I feel like I'm a reasonably intelligent person, and I research issues that are important to me, but because I am opposed to GMO's, that

Are we sure the girls didn't just make it up?

I know it's heartless, but ... good.
Honestly, I feel bad for all these dogs that are clearly misused or untrained or abused, but regardless of what got them to the point of vicious, once vicious they need to be put down.

Technically of course (no offense to Ms. Misra who I realize is talking about what most people understand is the shape) we're talking about the shape of the accretion disk.

I'm having difficulty reconciling the idea of Europeans being non-violent with pretty much the entire history of Europe.

Excellent piece Barry. Although, I'd like to offer my thoughts on a particular line: Coming out is now a stage-managed media event, scripted and choreographed in a way that ensures America receives only the most telegenic version of what at bottom is still a deeply personal act.

I've defended Macklemore in the past (I admit it, I actually like some of his stuff & respect his honesty with his addiction battle) but this is just idiotic. You knew what you were doing. And even if it was initially done "randomly," you're intelligent enough to look in the mirror and know better. (But c'mon. This

The guy from the Big Bang Theory IS a Jewish stereotype.

The correct answer to any chicken sandwich related inquiry is always Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich.

It is one of the most irresponsible things that a pet owner could do. One of the people in my old neighborhood used to just let his dog out with no supervision at all - no leash or fence, so it would just follow people around the neighborhood. This was NOT a rural area, and people regularly walked around with babies