The day Brazilian girls will be allowed to burn to death in their school because they're wearing too much clothing and, because, upon being rescued, they would offend the rescuers' eyes for wearing a shirt and skirt instead of a bikini, is the day when I believe Brazilian women are more oppressed.
As stupid and cheesy as this photoshoot looks, I tire of people crying racism for nothing. It says more about how you view the world, but then again that's arts purpose. I feel as though putting the race flag only widens the racial divide and weakens the true meaning. By suggesting that only people of the African…
"I feel like I'd rather have a kid like me than a complete square incapable of taking risks, spending his entire life coloring inside the lines."
I guess we'll never know what does the Fox say.
Easy, it looks like Janelle Monae:
Dog+cat owners usually allow cats to scratch and bite dogs, because it's "cute", but if a dog even snaps back at a cat they get yelled at.
seriously. Fame beats out My Fair Lady?
∞. Fiddler on the Roof
And I mean it! I really appreciate it!
"He argued that the Army high command and top federal officials, including President Barack Obama, had biased the process by pressing for prosecutions over military sexual assault allegations."
I am not in charge of these gigs and would never try to organize my sick, twisted, dysfunctional family. My way of completely eliminating the problem was moving 1,000 miles away and not ever turning up for holiday meals. Seems effective.
I'm black.
Yes, it is for lack of trying.
Hrm. I read this:
Now why shit all over Macklemore for no goddamn reason? The person who made the ignorant comment comparing him to Dr. King? Sure! But Macklemore didn't do a damn thing to you or anybody else.