But....but she didn't even have sex with people for money! You'd think law school kids would know the difference between someone who does and does not have sex for money. They're supposed to be pretty literal, right?
But....but she didn't even have sex with people for money! You'd think law school kids would know the difference between someone who does and does not have sex for money. They're supposed to be pretty literal, right?
Hope those trolls get arrested for threats, or harassment, something. I would be shocked if there wasn't a way to track these people down and arrest them, and after trial / plea bargain a punishment of a 30 day suspended sentences w/ required community service (Say 100 hours or something, which is 6 weekends).
Importation of animals is controlled by customs, not immigration. : )
I was clearly not referring to your vagina, but instead to a different way that people account for the terrible actions of others that they can't control. I was using it as an example of altered behavior to protect against harm, despite the fact that the harm isn't your responsibility or your fault.
And you think all women know this because? You don't think that some people enter college at the age of 18 without this knowledge? Or does everyone learn it at 16 before they go to high school parties with booze? At what point does everyone "already fucking know" it?
I'm glad that most women understand this. They either had to learn it themselves (which is incredibly sad), or at some point someone told them. That's how people learn. I look forwards to the day it doesn't need to be said.
How is this mansplaining? I am not discussing the way women feel, what their decisions are, or invalidating anything a women has said.
Source: At least 80 percent of sexual assaults occur among persons who know each other (Crowell and Burgess 1996).
Here's another paper: http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/a… . It summarizes things and has other citations. Per this paper 50 percent of men who have committed rape had been drinking alcohol, but other studies have suggested a range as high as 74%.
YW. Also remember that most rapists know their victim, stranger rape is incredibly rare by comparison.
I don't think women should be told how to dress, or where to go alone, actually. There is a pretty low correlation (and I have never seen a study actually showing a relationship) between how a person dresses and where a person goes and if they are raped. Stranger rape is incredibly rare. Most rapists know their…
Well it might help those rapists who are looking to rape someone if they are sober, but most men are more likely to rape when they consume alcohol. See the study excerpt I posted below (admittedly from 1991).
It actually does. Here's an excerpt from the study: http://www.interactivetheatre.org/resc/alcohol.h… . Awful.
Boy should absolutely be taught not to rape. That won't help a single women on a college campus right now. Not. One. The women on college campuses right now need to look out for themselves, because no one else will.
We should do that. And when the lesson is out, and no one takes advantage of drunk women anymore, we can stop telling women that people target them when they are drunk. Right now drunk women are targets for predators, and they should be told that.
I'm going to say this, because it seems like every time someone says women should drink less they get raged at.
Frozen succeeded because of young women?
What I learned: Virginia sucks. Your judge sucks. The people who make their laws suck.
You called me an anonymous troll and didn't bother looking at my sources or citations. That is attacking the messenger.
You should not be. Those figures include all persons not in uniform killed by the IDF. Hamas fighters do not use uniforms. That number, by default then, includes Hamas fighters, which are typically males aged 18-45.