
Now THAT’S a hot take. See ya in hell, I guess.

Ninja is neither racist nor sexist. I will never understand why people are so crazed about going after the good guys for not being perfect.

We have to stop getting our feelings hurt over stuff like this. It actually is pretty funny and said ALL lives splatter. If it said COLORED lives splatter then I would feel singled out. Plus, when I’m trying to drive somewhere, that shit pisses me off. Let me go to work and you can protest out of my way.

Four people were shot at J’Ouvert last year (two died). This reaction doesn’t seem heavy handed to me. Get your kids out of gangs, then the police can lighten up.

Officials aren’t restricting it because they’re racist, they’re doing it because of public safety. If any other parade was being used as a cover for serious crime, they’d limit that one, too. I for one, agree.

What are you, some kind of racist? So many people were affected by this storm, lost their homes, cars and livelihoods. But, for some reason, you only seem to care about the black ones. Really??? You’re that petty??? When someone is in danger and needs help, skin color should be the LAST thing you worry about.

Dude was simply speaking his truth in a relaxed candid moment. White folks will be shocked that he said something like that, while everyone else will point out that he was in trouble for TALKING about killing black folks, while many others have faced no consequence for actually KILLING black folks. This shit is a

You do know that the civil war wasn’t JUST about slavery, don’t you? General Lee, for example, was asked to lead the Union army, but instead chose to fight for his home state. These statues represent the average soldier, which didn’t even own slaves. Also, they didn’t declare war on the US. They just left the Union.

Those statues don’t “glorify” anything. They honor the memory of ancestors that were lost in the bloodiest war in American history. Even if they were originally put up to scare minorities, so what? None of those people are alive today, and the statues have taken on a new meaning. They are so old, they should be