Artboy NYC

Maybe so, but I give KT props for at least knowing what their audience wants and running with it. Sure, you can go to their FB page and see people grumbling about costumes - but you don’t put out four season passes at $90 apiece if there wasn’t an audience for them.

It’s been my experience that with other fighting

I particularly like how he calls the DLC system a “nickel and dime” approach - where here I am, having just purchased the sixth DLC purely from in-game currency, with an 80,000 surplus. Heck, the last time I even played the game was when the previous character arrived and I still managed to do it. Haven’t paid a cent

I wouldn’t rule it out, sure. Clearly MGO was intended to be supported beyond what Phantom Pain could deliver on its own, just like GTA Online. The backlash didn’t help MGO at all, so spinning Survive off as a separate title does make sense.

So I find that this leads into more speculation beyond the usual Konami slur-session.

This man speaks the truth, as far as the NYC areas are concerned. I work/commute near the Battery Park area and I’m working on my third Gyarados (having both caught and evolved one apiece already thanks to that area alone). Definitely going to use that buddy system for my Charmander for sure.

“braving the apps bugs and glitches.”

Good way of reminding me of the one Gyarados I actually caught (speaking of rare spawns, especially in a very public NYC location) and then somehow disappeared from my Pokedex the moment I evolved another one. Yes, already went through the channels to file a complaint.

Nope, I

Man...Ysera was my home from 2006 until I stopped playing after Lich King. You’re making me want to go back in the worst (best?) way.

Of course I see this article exactly fifteen minutes after my own attempt to get in. It’s really terrible. I understand they weren’t ready to be such a phenomenon but it’s so frustrating.

This big fella was taunting everyone by the Staten Island Ferry gym a mere five days after launch, a testament to the dedicated/insane. Havent seen him since, though.

How’s this for a first world problem...I picked Valor but my avatar totally looks like he belongs on Team Instinct. All because when customizing, I coordinated my outfit to match the visor with the large Pokeball symbol, which is yellow and to my knowledge, can’t be changed.

“I have zero sense of your level of empathy because you haven’t shown any.”

Ah, if we could only excuse people of being merely ignorant, instead of just being flat out morally wrong.

Pretty sure most adults have “understanding” of the significance of racial profiling, or at least aware about it.

We have an American Presidential candidate publicly advocating racial profiling right now.

We didn’t, or shouldn’t, need to rely on the popularity of Pokemon to illustrate this.

The issues have existed way before Pokemon Go, however. I would also think that our attention has been considerably roused already on the subject - sadly, at the expense of many lives. It is vastly important to not only talk about it, but also to not forget about it - as, ironically speaking, frothy distractions such

I’m considered white as far as skin color goes but I am Hispanic and most of my family is brown, including my sister. I’m also in my 40's and over six feet tall so I’m going to look awkward and suspicious in a public place too.

You have zero sense of my level of empathy on the subject of racial profiling as I have not

This is entirely reasonable and I agree on the awkwardness of it all. But that scrutiny could happen to anyone. Keep in mind that I’m only specifically referring to Pokemon Go and not any other unfortunate circumstance as Azuredrak implied.

I was looking for Pokemon over at the World Trade Center memorial the other

I agree. Trying to tie together two wildly disproportionate hot item topics like this is the highest order of crass sensationalism.

The fact that people on this thread are already alluding to Nintendo being short-sighted for this just boggles my mind, man.

I see them more as simplistic scales than gills, but I can see why it’s oddly perplexing.

I guess it would depend if this game is in Arkham continuity at all, or just a standalone “what if?” title. But, good point.

Just speculation on my part, but it sounds like VR would be the perfect medium for one of Mad Hatter’s psychedelic trips. Might explain the scenario at hand, too.