Artboy NYC

It’s been expressly stated by Capcom that Street Fighter V - in any conceivable future edition - will remain exclusive to Sony (and PC) until the end of its lifespan. And they’re hinting at a five year plan, so the next chance for MS to get back in is going to take awhile.

Yeah, and on the flip side - the side we call “the real world,” there are...gasp! People who actually like to work and their jobs and feel like productive members of society.

I know you addressed me personally elsewhere but I wanted to point this reply out. Basically, you outgrew those games, which was what I sort of presumed about you (granted, snarkily) - of course you’re entitled to do so. Nostalgia isn’t always a good thing.

I would argue that Chrono Trigger was it’s own beast and so, not traditional FF. Final Fantasy itself didn’t really change things until after IX, so they must of felt the wheel was fine until then.

You sound like someone who actually wasn’t around “back then.” Or just got crotchety as you got older, can’t tell.

Expected the game to go this route but it ended up blowing me away anyway. I can’t wait for this.

Dat FF7 remake. Gimme.

This alone is making want to play the entire Drake Collection before I play UC4. That dialogue was so good.

Well now that I think of that, the 1979 xenomorph pretty much stood upright - granted, that was more due to it being more man in costume than half puppet. ;) Artistic license later on gave it various levels of crouchiness.

A Tarkatan (Baraka’s race) was used as a xenomorph host, and so inherited it’s abilities.

Completely intentional. His designer, Herman Sanchez, said the word sounded Asian enough when broken down, lol. Perfect fit.

I might as well have written this article myself because I’m more or less at the same feelings. I’ve played the trial and I have to say it’s definitely a far cry from FFXI, which I had joined in at launch and slowly got frustrated from restrictive gameplay elements that made World of Warcraft seem like a veritable

Trying to research this...the only thing I found was that in October they had changed it so you that you needed online resources to build one to and that inadvertently nerfed the ability to go offline and build one. That has been reversed as far as I know. You should be able to go offline and build one now. I did my

You do not have to play the game 24 hours straight to build a nuke. Like your FOBs, development happens in real time on the game servers whether you’re playing or not. Like how people can steal from your FOBs whether you’re playing or not.

And bionic dash punching her is even more fun! It’s how we play tag. :)

While I think it’s cool we can get her back again, making us lose Quiet in the game was a masterstroke, in my opinion.

Or when you actually find something on Gamefaqs and all you inexplicably get are control layouts, and the cheats are just trophies/achievements, which are hilariously lazy. Although to be fair, actual cheats in games are getting rare.

Heck, I still consult Gamefaqs to this day - though I have to say some of the more modern game entries are a little sparse at times. Writing is becoming a lost art.

I guess I would spring for mission DLC (and a chance of getting a certain buddy back), because I’m a mark for this game - but add me to the list of hell nos regarding a new Kojima-less MGS. I’ll wait until Kojima hopefully lets us know what’s he up to in December.

Oh, and I’m not playing as Batman. I’m playing as a guy called Azrael.