Artboy NYC

While I think it’s cool we can get her back again, making us lose Quiet in the game was a masterstroke, in my opinion.

Or when you actually find something on Gamefaqs and all you inexplicably get are control layouts, and the cheats are just trophies/achievements, which are hilariously lazy. Although to be fair, actual cheats in games are getting rare.

Heck, I still consult Gamefaqs to this day - though I have to say some of the more modern game entries are a little sparse at times. Writing is becoming a lost art.

I guess I would spring for mission DLC (and a chance of getting a certain buddy back), because I’m a mark for this game - but add me to the list of hell nos regarding a new Kojima-less MGS. I’ll wait until Kojima hopefully lets us know what’s he up to in December.

I’m going with that implication, too. The Wolf was describing symptoms that Eastman had, so I presume it is a bite.

Pretty sure Morgan locked the Wolf in the house because he was already bit by a walker. Though the key reminded him of his time with Eastman.

Oh, and I’m not playing as Batman. I’m playing as a guy called Azrael.

Desk should have used this version of Guile as well to make the homage even more “EX-plosive.” :)

I pretty much have to agree. Definitely looks like a “it’s just business” sort of thing and Konami and Kojima simply parted ways. No one would or should expect Kojima to stick around when the product doesn’t play to his strengths anymore.

I don’t think he’s going to be secretly evil. He was already willing to show off the rocking beard when production started, everyone knows that’s the classic “old wizard” Jedi master look. I could be very wrong, but I hope it’s the first option on the voting list.

Yeah...let’s not trigger a bikini armor discussion here, shall we? ;)

Joe Mad’s design might be anime but the original design was done by Europeans. Even as a kid, I found the original design incongruous with the vampire motif of the rest of the game. Too sword and sorcery. And practicality is highly debatable with that much exposed skin.

I might get rapped in the mouth for this but I liked the Mirror of Fate version of Simon a lot more than the classic look:

Yep, I ended up doing similar because I can’t resist the lure of gaining materials faster. I’m replaying the game now but what I did was assign nearly all of my already strong combat team to security and forego combat sorties for awhile. Then, I just developed every security I team asap and made sure to staff

Just a head’s up - if you are connected online when the time comes, you will basically be forced to create an FOB. If that happens I’d say just create it and leave it as command post only to minimize losses (FYI you might incur losses whether you’re online or not, hence this insurance malarkey). The only other advice

If I’m not working on my backlog while waiting on Fallout 4, then it will likely be Metal Gear Online...unless Konami decides to pull the plug on that, too.

Now playing

Here you go, ze proof on my account. Make sure to take notice of the action prompt when the balloon activates:

It’s already been said but I’m the complete opposite because of the better perceived value these huge games give you. I’m not a rabid purchaser of games and I’m not terribly competitive in multiplayer, except for fighting games.

Being a PS4 owner, I’m following your strategy. MGSV has proven it will hold my attention just long enough for Fallout 4, and considering I haven’t even finished Skyrim I expect F4 to keep me busy until, say, 2018. Good times ahead.

Typical comic argument: “Justice League is pointless with Superman as a member.”