I'll take an Arnold Palmer with Booze

Think about how good that QB-WR-RB trio would be if it was still 2009?

He beat that defense with one gash after another

Boy he really flipped the switch

on top of everything else, why the fuck would Maddon bring in a basket case starter who loves giving up home runs into the 9th inning of a tie game? That’s a near-fireable offense.

That can’t be a real email. No way.

So, is everyone in on the betting pool about how he’ll finally crack? My bet is still on declaring war on the moon.

Poor guy only has his elfin friend, a walking pile of mayonnaise, and family bound to him by blood or marriage left to turn to. At least he has those millions of dollars that are totally in his tax returns and not just pure fiction.

Because the genie is being detained in Gitmo. Come on. Somebody with those powers from that region was never going to be allowed back into the real world.

As others have pointed out before, the National Anthem is not a dedication to the troops. It is for all Americans. And as an American, you can decide for yourself whether or not you need to salute that song. Anybody who doesn’t like your choice can go take their complaints to the Breitbart message boards.

“Will Ferrell has made more great comedies (and it’s hard to imagine that balance shifting), but has never made a “serious” movie nearly as good as Sandler’s three best.”

Counterpoint... no.

I mean, I don’t know how much clearer I can be about this (I also don’t know why people dance around making this point): If you support Donald Trump, you’re a bad person.

Spoiler alert: They’re all cowards. I think everyone in the GOP is a coward until they retire. Then I think they’re even worse cowards for waiting till they have nothing to lose to do this shit.

I hate you so much right now.

True, but his racist teenage antics are consistent with his racist adult antics.

Every time I think I can’t hate him any more than I already do, he opens his fucking mouth and proves me wrong.

Even with that hard break looming, Kelly still managed to find time to explain the hard break twice and put forth an opposing opinion.

When you get whites together in groups you see the thug element. It’s in their nature. It’s rare you can get large groups of whites together without some sort of violence. When you throw in this country “music” which promotes drinking and glorifies white thugary you have what you have on Sunday.

i bet you start most of your sentences with “technically...” or “Aaaactually...

I actually compete at Smash monthly. And I enjoy how seriously you are taking this very, very serious list. Have a great day, IceSprite!