
His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.

Falling asleep at the wheel due to sheer boredom?

not knowing all the words, i suspect.

People are irrational about gas prices. It will be interesting to how Trump’s base, which disproportionately drive trucks and SUVs, will react to this.

While this made for an interesting read, I can’t help feeling like it’s a bit sad.  The guy wants one thing and he’ll probably never have it.

You could just save your money and fix the VW 135k is not a super huge amount of miles. Dump some money into fixing its problems, then in a few years give it to the kid, it won’t be so yuck when it’s either this or get a job you freeloading brat and buy your own car. Then go buy yourself a midlife crisis Corvette.

Yeah, but he was black; we were supposed to be worrying about him being black, which apparently is way worse than being blatantly evil in public.

You obviously know nothing of dirt bikes as both of those statements are accurate.

Honestly, I’m kind of impressed that every sandwich I’ve ever gotten at Subway — no matter the permutation — has managed to taste exactly the same.

If you’re a real American, you live in New York City and can just take the subway.

If only the US got the R version of the wagon, too. That would have made finding my new purchase even more of a needle in a haystack.

I started with carbon fiber hoods. Blacked hoods is the poor man’s CF hood.

The family sticker figures on rear windows. I can’t stand them one bit.

While not dishonorably discharged

Why don’t they just make the tires soft enough to require a pit stop or two. This will make the cars faster and add back strategy.

I’m cogitating so hard right now.