@spiegel1: Tough Actin' Tinactin! Rent A Center! ACE HARDWAAAARE! BOOM!
@spiegel1: Tough Actin' Tinactin! Rent A Center! ACE HARDWAAAARE! BOOM!
@John Carter: I give up. Me likey V wagon better. Would take either, however. Go J Butt. Woo.
@John Carter: Should read, 'greater than' but comment box is anti-"" symbol.
@Vavon: Jalops: Faster than a speeding Google. :)
@Vavavoom: Didn't Clarkson drive one of those trying to escape from a foxhunt?
@kooper: Like I said- I know it's not a smart, but some other, similar car.
@The Second Spitter: I remember working on those- we had customers lose everything from sunglasses to small children in the crevice between the dash and windshield. On the bright side, you could pretend you were driving an X-Wing.
Somewhere in California, high atop a pile of cash, Chip Foose is weeping.
Just you wait until Democracy kicks in...
Smoking in it. I work for a Cadillac dealer, and I've had otherwise pristine cars traded/returned off lease that smell like my grandfather's hunting jacket inside. We once had an Escalade returned off a 3 year lease that had only 2,500 miles on it... and the guy had smoked cigars in it. A lot. Also managed to burn the…
@John Carter: Or better yet, a long distance big rig!
@John Carter: And I figure if they didn't need a warrant to put it on there, I'm well within my rights to find the sucker and stick it on a UPS truck. :)
Bear in mind that this does not apply to 'Your Car's GPS' meaning your navigation system; it means they can put a tracker ON your car and then follow your movements without a warrant.
@spiegel1: waaaaaaahahahahaha
@geniusboy: I think the preferred term is "liberal arts major."
You know, it's really the driver's fault- what moron fills a very expensive toy with flammable liquids?? Geez, what a concept.
In other news, water wet, sky blue, grass green, Ferrari.... is this getting old yet?
Apparently it's affecting SEPTA around Philly as well, they run on the same electric lines as AMTRAK- my fiance's stuck between stations.