So, are we thinking Tony Stark style reappearance, or are we pretty sure he's shark food?
So, are we thinking Tony Stark style reappearance, or are we pretty sure he's shark food?
Facebook's Car Town came to life! Holy crap!
93.3 WMMR, Philadelphia :)
@Ryan Turner: +1 for Everclear.
I'll keep it simple today: Are you out of your f*#%ing mind? CP.
This will be a NPOCP in 10 years, and it will win with another 66% NP vote.
@Josh Clontz: You're due for a "My Saturn ruined my life!" story in the Garage Of Horror. ;)
@Motor_Yakuza: And he's moved on to the ass cycle.
Clearly I have to take drastic measures if I ever expect to snag another COTD. ;) Congrats!
In other news, water wet, sky blue, Ferrari 458... you get the idea. Do I really have to do this every day?
@spuy767: Well, not that we can PROVE. My theory is Ben never died, he just sat down here one day and rusted.
"Yo dawg, we pimped yo' Facebook!"
@MarkB: I don't give a crap about DTV, but something about the guy's giddy reaction to the tiny giraffe kiss makes me laugh every time.
@spuy767: I think it's George Washington... Or Robin Williams from Bicentennial Man.
@Maxis47: I was going there- I love that commercial.
@pidgeonsplatz: Standard answer: "I need a license for what now?"