John Carter

I don't think I've ever seen a supercharger that was bigger than the engine it sat upon before. I bow before the sheer Jalopitude these Jalops have Jaloped, and wish them better success with future Jalopness.

Sitting on the track for 45 minutes while half the field was scraped off the wall, Danica realized how badly she had to pee.

Congrats Scroggs! The bad news? Here's a better-than-average Nascar chick for your troubles. The worse news? That's a Mad Magazine-style fold-in. ugh.

@Devryn: Ooh! Jet burn! lol

It's a freaking Omni! I wouldn't leave the house in one without a can of gas and a toolbox!

@TheAntiCat: Then my day is complete, penalty pie is the best! lol

@Engineerman: You gotta admit, it's never boring with the crazy ones... nothing quite like coming home not knowing if she's got a 12-gauge or a fresh baked pie waiting for you...

That's the best worst car story I've ever heard. Heartclick for you!

@iancoleTX: Where the heck am I gonna find one around here? Oh wait, a Chrysler dealer... good call ;)

@iancoleTX: if 'operate' means 'get it moving fast enough to total the car' then yes. Don't expect it to ever work again, though. The hills are alive with the smell of clutches...

I want to know why we're not recruiting these guys to work on our LeMons cars. $500 limit? They'd be in heaven!!

@yoda2: My fiancee wants a Ferrari so badly that I fear I'll wake up in a tub of ice one of these days missing several important organs, but she brought up the maintenance costs the other day with me- I pointed out that it likely won't matter, as she (like me) would probably total it well ahead of its next service

@Tristan Hipps: Don't shoot the dashboard. You'll double the overall price of the car. :)

@teencarfreak: $999k/hr goes to the advertising budget.

@$kaycog: That's OK, she doesn't need to stop on account of me... :-p

Heck with it, at that price my insurance company would cover the whole thing when I totalled it (three miles down the road from the seller's house) salvage title or no. NP!

@Alfisted: You can't understand how often people STILL say "like the Doctor from E.R.?"

@Jackie: How well did you expect the paint to hold up on a Yugo?