John Carter

@eaglen: I've put blue tire shine in the windshield washer reservoir before- it's silicone based, so it keeps streaking and streaking, and they keep putting more and more on trying to get it off. Didn't think about the consequences first though- he almost wrecked a few times getting home...

@John Carter: Not that there's anything wrong with that.

@subsurface1: Jar of glitter dumped into the dash and defroster vents- IT"S A PARADE! IN YOUR CAR! Specifically a gay pride parade, but a parade nonetheless.

I've superglued a sunroof shut before... but less permanent is always shoving a dead fish into the muffler. Make sure you poke it in there with a stick so it gets turned sideways and won't come back out.


@sinyster: That could just be a 10 foot tall guy... no? Well, crap.

If Dali designed a car!

Congrats! Here's a slightly newer Citroen to look at. :)

Sorry, I mean a more complex, yet less capable car.

Maybe this will be the one to finally scrape them off the absolute bottom of the reliability rankings. Everybody knows making a more complex car is the best way to improve that, right?

@stokeā„¢: Who needs a VIN when you're so full of WIN? :)

@Addidas: I was going to say, can we use that for today's QOTD? LOL

@Middleswine: The fact that three people could basically hide behind the thing gives you a good idea how large it really is... impressive!

@Tanshanomi: GI: Playing the accordion at a polka festival.

Somebody call Leno.

Looks like he used the engine as part of the frame- then again, you'd pretty much have to, wouldn't you? Epic win.

In an effort to capture two COTD's in a row with the same picture, I resubmit my fiancee's 1968 Saab 95... lol

Go Swedish wagon! :)

@owen-magnetic: That much I wouldn't blame you for. Or the Acura-fied version of the same.

Thanks :) That's my fiancee's 1968 Saab 95, which she is thoroughly in love with and will likely never part with.