John Carter

@Luftman129: I grew up on 240 wagons- they're indestructible. Room for everything you own (including your other car) and they last a quarter million miles or more with the most minimal of maintenance.

@Mad_Science: I strongly recommend the "Sociopath's Guide To Owning An Old Car" on this site if you didn't read it already... it's hilarity defined. Old wagons do something for me, and I don't know why- hell, I'm only 27. The above pictured Saab belongs to my fiancee, for that matter.

@Mad_Science: The Saab will do 75mph towing a small boat, but obviously if you own something large enough to justify the Tahoe, you're exempt from the example :) I've never claimed that a 1968 Saab 95 could do everything a Tahoe could do, but it definitely worked for what the majority of people would ever use a Tahoe

@John Carter: I'm not saying it was an ideal solution, but still- no significant improvement has been made to the concept in 40 years

@stoke™: And from the back, a little of the original Batmobile...

To quote Richard Hammond, however, "You could put BMW badge on a dead cat and people would buy it."

This hauled 7 people and got 29mpg in 1968. How did we grow to needing a Tahoe to haul 5 people at 15mpg 40 years later? (photo courtesy of wife-to-be)

@Socialvegetable: In the "History Repeats Itself" segment of today's News, FIAT has announced that the next Maserati Quattroporte will be built on a chassis to be shared with Chrysler, FIAT, and Alfa Romeo. TC owners (both of them) rejoiced the world over.

@smackela: I once took a full sized upright freezer home in one- just fold the seats down, slide the front seats forward a bit, and shut the hatch behind it. Anythign that ever went wrong with it was fixed with either a 10 minute tune-up (cap, rotor, plugs, wires- MAYBE $50 at Pep Boys every 30k miles or more) or by

But... but what about the Chryslerati TC? Surely that piece of class redeems the LeBaron! Wait- we covered that under "Cadillac Cimarron." My bad.

@SeanG: Heartily agreed; hence the car itself being *fairly* classy. The people who drive them tend to be practitioners of the highest forms of douchebaggery, but the chrome one seemed too full of fail to leave out :)

Well, there went my pepsi all over the screen. :)

@Rick Lyon: It's from Kill Bill Volume I :)

@AutobahnBurner: "you probably made your money selling drugs or crappy rap music"

Worse than trying to be classy would be taking something fairly classy and de-classy-fying it. As the CIA would say.

@Bo Darville: Maybe the one I inherited was just beat to hell then- it rode like a wet sofa and handled like one too. It was a base model, so that's probably part of it.

@gman1023:I work at a Caddy dealer, and we had a mint 75 Eldo here last month for service.... it's a damn shame what they did to that engine by then. I was explaining how emissions restrictions helped to kill the high power motors of the late '60s and I used that as an example- by the mid- '70s the power was cut in