Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?
Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?
Girls? I have seen grown men freak at the slightest bit of turbulence.
I can't handle that simpering look she always does. It's worse than the Justin Bieber eyebrows-up thing.
OH MY GOD. WTF InTouch!?
#Illuminati #WhereIsHerBirthCertificate
that little baby looks terrified
Kendra Wilkinson eating turkey testicles, cow lips, cockroaches and crickets.
It's nice to meet people that share my views.
when I started reading this I thought great, here's another black guy whose thoughtful statement on this subject my white friends on FB will appropriate for themselves to prove the validity of their point of, why are we paying SO much attention to these unarmed people who the police keep shooting? why aren't all the…
"My sources tell me that Roger Goodell is extremely upset about Hawkins action, and will press the Browns to suspend him indefinitely. The reason is that it makes Roger upset that a player should express an opinion about anything other than the grand game of football. HAIL ROGER!"—Peter King
"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."
I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.
This is absolutely disgusting.
The better question is, can Chuck Johnson prove he DIDN'T shit on the floor? Multiple times?
You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first. I may or may not choose to give it to you.
My impression was that the hashtag isn't for educating black people about how nice the cops are to white people, but educating fellow white people on their own hypocrisy. It's a lot harder to say that these murdered black men were thugs and criminals who "got what they deserved" when white people admit to the same…
He better keep an eye on Johnny Football as well apparently.
Murray and Clay are still the same guys there were in college, only instead of sharing Carries they're sharing Ginas.