
Can’t help but smell the smug off that title. *eye roll*

There were a few moments when I thought, “hmmm, it would be cool to see a spin-off of Jaime and Cersei roughing it in some far off land, with none of the Lannister money or power.” They, of course, had to die though.

It’s been an honor to work with Kirk for the past seven years. Kirk’s love of games and his desire to communicate about them with readers shines through his work. I’ve valued that a lot, but I’ve valued just as much, if not more, his love of writing good sentences and paragraphs. Anyone can write about video games,

Pretty much, though I still feel like it’s a really weird decision to gate the first forge at a 616-621 (the lowest you could be to get enemy’s without that little sword icon that means they’re going to hit you like a tank) for the average D2 solo queue non sweaty player with more forges dropping throughout the month

Litrally 1 heroic public event in the dreaming city got my powerful enemies done. Such obvious ways that dont require you to go to the leviathan over and over. Just multitask.

I guess that’s subjective. There are some really terrific cues in the series, but they are deliberately short cues that can be recycled many times. Hard to stand up 1:1 against the tightly scored animated movie score.

It is to synthesizers what Stairway To Heaven is to guitars.

Which one of your freshman professors told you that?

I will grant you the the US foreign policy with regards to NK has been atrocious for decades. Literally everything regarding that country has been handled wrong. The US was coming off the crushing of Japan with nukes, and then decided to put the kid gloves on instead of pointing at the still smoldering ashes of Japan

Hopefully someone. I’m actually the creator of the YT video linked here and I’d seen lots of gameplay videos of 4K content downscaled to 1080p, but nothing native and I have a 4K display. I figured it was worth the upload; though I’ll have to say, having it appear on Kotaku right in front of me was a bit of a surprise.

TG USA got so much better when they threw out the formal Top Gear studio format and focused solely on challenges.

Not a fan but I will give it a few more episodes before I decide. I was a fan of the original top gear usa.

I know where I WON’T be shopping this Black Friday. As a habit, I refuse to shop any store that can’t respect its employees’ holiday time with their families. Such greedy practice deserves to end in failure.

No need to be sorry. Anyway, I’ve never played Diablo or WoW, so I don’t think I should make those comparisons because I don’t want to mislead you.
One detail I forgot to mention was cool class specific powers (3 classes, and and each class will launch with at least 2 subclasses with their own sets of powers. There

It’s a sequel, not an expansion, but maybe you’re just making a joke. Anyway, I wouldn’t describe it as an MMO, but it’s certainly MMO-adjacent. Here is what to expect:
-Story campaigns are in a mission structure, not an open world way, but there is drop-in cooperative multiplayer for most story missions.
-There are

So everyone who took off for the 8th now have to explain why they need the 6th off now

1. As a law enforcement officer he wouldnt just be protecting his “cell phone and 10 dollar bill”. He would have an obligation to stop rhese thugs from hurting and robbing other people cause if they are beating and robbing him then they have probably done it to others and most certainly will do it to more victims.

Touche’ destiny, I chuckled and considered buying your treadmill again.

For me and my raid group it’ll be a fun weekend and a nice bit of closure to three years of this ridiculous, terrible, fantastic video game.