
Fine...I’ll do it.

Its nothing like those original games in that regard. It truly is a masterpiece and a joy to play. Don’t miss it!

All that hate and he’s still the best quarterback in the history of the NFL. Not surprising though, coming from the same site that throws hate at a president who one the election 6 months ago and is still the president.

Toys in the Attic, thank you very much.

I play a lot of video games in my spare time and have done so for over 30 years. Every time I read an article about this game I wonder why anyone plays it. Real world currency that can be bought, sold and traded in a video game is certainly nothing new and not my issue. But the possibility of investing said money

Sure there is. It guarantees you will buy Nintendo’s latest console no matter how crappy it is

Instead of making them here in the US, we’ll complain about our inability to get them while getting a story written about it to make everyone else feel bad.

I can’t agree more. The Liberal slant on ALL of Gizmodos sites is completely unprofessional and goes against everything journalism stands for. Its embarrassing and it makes coming to some of my favorite sites a shitty experience.

It’s not a ‘Muslim Ban’. It’s a restriction on travel to and from 7 countries that are the hotbed of Radical Islamic extremism. If you are going to try to be a real journalist, at least bring some facts. If not, I suggest you stick to fluff video game pieces.

Xbox is a sinking ship? Whow knew? You better call Microsoft and let them know. They probably can’t see what you so obviously can since they’re too busy shipping the only 4K Bluray, HDR gaming machines on the planet. ALL while preparing to ship the only 4K, HDR gaming and 4K Bluray capable machine ever.

They’re pirates. You think they actually pay for games? Gold on Nintendo for taking swift action against these bottom feeders.

In the world of Game of Thrones that we live in, how does this surprise you? Over glorifying rape, sex and violence is the key to ratings. Without it, one might actually have to tell a decent story.

Find me any game on any console (not PC) two years after launch that still has the player base Destiny has.

I couldn't agree more. It's refreshing to know that rational humans still exist in this country.