
Or Biden could make him part of the transition team tomorrow. =)

Theres a reason they didnt take money is so he couldnt get his greedy hands on it. Instead, if its approved, they will give it away for free. Trump would of sold it to the highest bidder to make a profit off of it

He would totally, just like he tried to shake down Ukraine and Tiktok.

You’ve heard about the PAC he’s starting? Some multi-purpose PAC where he can siphon off amounts to pay his campaign debts, bolster GOP candidates, and prepare for his 2024 bid. I may have got that last one mixed up with a political cartoon I read. 

I know they vanished for 4 years, but get ready to see the Tea Party bounce back whining about the debt and deficit. Blaming Biden and ignoring Donny’s damage, naturally.

They've started already. Unity with the right, but boot to the face for the left. Sounds about right. 

I’m afraid you are correct Biden is going to repeat the same mistakes made by the Obama administration and sweep all the malfeasance under the rug. Obama got his peaceful transfer, and We got those a lot of those same criminals back for a second bite at the apple under Trump, like Bill Barr. Obama not confronting

All of those things can be true and you can still be relieved that Trump lost.

Well....if by “washed” you mean balls deep into a handle of Sailor Jerry’s while wearing a leather jacket, sportcoat, two polo shirts and a tank top repeating “I’d fuck me” into the mirror, then yes.


You answered your own question! ;)

S-Rank pun. You win the internet.


Turn what you love into a job and you’ll never work a day in your life!

Young men suck his dick for money all the time, nothing new there.

I am pretty sure he doesn’t want to mix business with pleasure

Isn’t that what he’s BEEN doing?

Are you kidding, that’s his morning “snack”... most likely he just threw up a little grease and gristle over these comments.

Just laughed out loud in my office and got a couple side-eyes after reading this comment.

Hah! Me and a good friend build PC’s as a hobby; every once in awhile we’ll get together and build something with spare parts, then give it to a family who’s on hard times. Definitely a rewarding hobby.