
Chief O-ring inspector for NASA’s Challenger launch. 

Maybe they never imagined the Cybertruck driving more than a couple hundred miles before breaking down?

IT workers will continue to get the shaft and be “on call” during non-business hours no matter how short the work week is.

I was hoping for a Lawrence Welk show sketch. They had all the right cast members.

Let me guess, there’s a “bug” where the robotaxis drive right past anyone who is brown or black. 

Looks like a prolapsed colon.

Why did they keep letting me do it? It’s their fault really - someone should’ve stopped me.”

Agreed. Especially when you’re likely already a little distracted when you open Google Maps try and find a location but 50% of the screen is filled with even more distracting clutter. That’s great Google thinks you need all of these extra bells and whistles, but it completely takes away from the primary use case of

Metal detectors doing more work than the actual cops. 

I hear Trump is selling tickets to view the eclipse to his MAGA rubes.

The “immigrants are stealing our jobs” crowd never seem to go after companies that *give away* those jobs to immigrants because they’ll work for less money and won’t complain. 

It’s a start up. The goal isn’t to spend years perfecting the design but to get a product out in the market that meets a limited set of requirements/use cases to be viable. Then you iterate on the design based on user feedback and testing. 

Pretty sure it was Mothman.

Arbaugh continued, “Yeah, and the strangest thing...have you heard about the Great Replacement Theory?”.

And our government apparently still trusts this guy with our space missions.

My only sleeper car criteria: Is it fast enough so we can fly away?

My ‘69 BMW 2500 and ‘63 Ford Falcon wagon. I bought both at different times when I was in my teens/early 20's. Both were running, and the plan was to drive them as little as possible, but life got in the way and I had to make daily drivers out the both of them. Pretty much ruined each of them.

I have to imagine the bean counters responsible for this are long gone with their golden parachutes. 

I wonder how many “Feckins” and “shites” were heard that day.
