
I feel like Facebook will be facing the same dilemma that Twitter did when Musk wanted to charge for the Blue Check ad-free experience. There’s no way that would make up for the loss in ad revenue from all of your users deciding $8 a month is worth it to not have to deal with ads. Even Netflix is going to start

It’s literally just going to be attention whores shouting shitty takes at each other. I was pissed when I had to create a Twitter account to just view people’s tweets. Fuck if I’m actually going to pay for that.

If I’m paying a monthly fee to be on Facebook then I don’t want to see ads, and a whole other bevy of configurations that would make my experience better.

I know several college professors and the ball-aching that comes out of them when they have to grade papers...

You don’t even need the paper nowadays. You can get elected to the US Congress by straight up lying that you even went to college. It’s almost like no one gives a shit.

It’s the classic AV Club nerds from high school using the only “thing” they have in their quivers to make fun of the jocks who have no idea they exist.

This just in: Kids don’t read books anyways. They learn a lot more online. 

Exactly. I’ve worked for a couple pretty large companies that did this and the lesson I learned is that, to keep your job, it’s easier to just blow smoke up your manager’s ass than come up with a great idea. It creates a culture of cattiness and snitching that ultimately drives out the people who tend to do all of the

Yes, a police officer should be held to an entirely higher standard than an accountant. When they fuck up like this it is definitely newsworthy, especially when it takes over a year for them to face real consequences. I guarantee you the accountant in your fantasy would’ve been charged much sooner. 

Welcome to the future, Facebookers. It’s called “rank and yank”.

I spend most of my weekend in bed - can I get an endorsement? I feel like I’d be way more qualified to speak about the comfort of my bedding than someone who gets up ass early.

It’s be necessity when there’s an R in front of your name. If you sound smarter than your voting base they’ll assume you’re a leftist communist drag queen.

Probably feeing super salty for not buying them before they blew up. Too late now. 

Considering your average techbro’s politics, you maybe want to have someone else train your AI.

I5 crossing from Oregon into Washington (and vice versa). I had to drive this during commute every day for a while. The highway bottlenecks into 6 very narrow lanes of traffic going over the ancient Interstate Bridge, causing huge backups most times of the day. There’s no shoulder, so if you wreck (which happens

Kind of picked a shitty time in our history to roll out AI to the masses. 

He can go walk his ass back into the ocean for good.

Just make sure you buy an AR before you get killed.

I was going to bet my life that this happened in Denver before I read the story.

We’ll make great pets...