
I learned a valuable lesson to ask questions about anything that doesn’t look right when we bought our home several months back. I noticed one of the exterior spigots was missing a handle and didn’t think anything of it. The inspector didn’t even note it in the inspection report. After using pliers to turn on the

My stepdad is an uber Catholic pro-lifer whose own biological children stopped talking to him years ago because he’s such a shitty father. So, yeah, this behavior tracks.

The funny part is no one criticizes corporations that pay zero corporate taxes on how they spend their government handouts.  

I’m surprised he didn’t have a slide for “Obviously you live in your car”.

So she got hurt and went to a medical professional, but when there’s a global pandemic she trusts a meathead podcaster’s word.

It will be the MAGA hat for the tech libertariantards.

That’s the attitude a lot of cops have where I live.

Why hasn’t anyone filmed themselves surprise attacking this guy to see if he can actually do this shit in real life? I think it would be funny if he just ran off screaming.

I can’t wait for the movie/series about Valleywag.

Saves money on replacing brake pads.

Yeah, I didn’t get the point of this as nobody wins. Even if Inskeep pulled off some massive own whose minds is it going to change? All they’ve done is give Trump a bit of legitimacy.

Carolyn Bryant is still alive. Not too late to deliver some actual justice. 

The President can federalize the National Guard thereby becoming their commander in chief. I remember people being worried when Trump was President that he would do such a thing if a state governor called up the NG to protect their citizens.

The guy who just launched a new TV show complains about being “cancelled” in his industry’s leading publication who sought him out for an interview.

The first thing I do is swap out the charger that came with the iPhone with one that is actually long enough for me to comfortably use while the phone is plugged in. I feel like Apple did a bunch of testing around how people use their devices while plugged in and decided to make the cable about 1" too short so you’d

I drove a hand me down white ‘83 Delta 88 in college that my friend told me looked like a “mob work car” when he first saw it.

I remember my mom taking me to pick up my stepdad at his job because the engine of his Reliant K caught on fire in the parking lot. 

I still don’t get Alanis Morrisette and Dave Coulier. Was he like “Canada hot” back in the day or something?

“Let’s figure out how we can get this done and move in the direction of significantly changing the abuse of even the filibuster rule first.”

The company is named after its founder, Bob Smartgunz III.