
Please note that this reply is getting more stars than pschroeter’s original comment!!! 

Trump’s Shutdown Is Making the National Parks Overflow With Shit and Garbage.Not to worry. The current administration has gained lots of experience in managing major overflows of shit and garbage over the past two years. 

A simple question: Do bone spurs go away or get better over time? If they are permanent, is it possible for an independent medical specialist to confirm whether or not Mr. Trump does or has had bone spurs on his feet? Enquiring minds want to know.

Create a new TV series called Immigrant Ninja Warrior with segments of the wall used as a more (maybe) challenging version of Mt. Midoriyama. Those that complete the course are granted citizenship and win a decade of minimum wage employment at a Trump resort of their preference or at the new MrDonalds. fast food

I was thinking the same thing. Someone probably told him that if we can develop a “Quantum Wall” anyone touching it from the Mexican side would be immediately transmorgified back to somewhere in South America.

I Agree! How about coming up some creative intelligent and subtle advertising strategy for Gizmodo websites? You could become a leader in developing creative, and effective adverting/marketing methods that respects and enables your readers to find the products and services they want and need without being treated

I Agree! How about coming up some creative intelligent and subtle advertising strategy for Gizmodo websites? You

Was the picture carefully chosen by Crockett to accompany the title? Was Schumer in “collusion” with the photographer? Is that Trump’s “manhood” or Schumer’s finger? Our citizens and readers need to know!!!

According to the Washington Post and other liberal and conservative news sources, it is a well known fact that this POTUS avoids likker and does not smock.

Note the color, almost black, of the water. Lots of room for ideas and replies here.

Dear Mr Roth,
This is to inform you that the sentence above has now been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in Explanatory Journalism and Nonfiction.

Bottom line. Just remember that banks and other consumer financial systemss are in business TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF YOU. Rebates, “points”, and other gimmicks pushed via high priced advertising are designed to appear attractive to consumers while harvesting more of their money. Only a very small percentage of consumers

Has the “Hit fund” on Luiz O. Pinto reached ten grand yet? Or, will he be pardoned by The Administration for “just being a hard working creative capitalists” (especially if from an eastern European authoritarian state)? 

Colors chosen based on recommendations by Donnie’s BFF Vlad the Putin and the Alt-right overlords.

Excellent point, so I humbly apologize. This administration would NEVER try to influence anything that they were not specifically authorized to do under the Constitution or by an act of Congress., especially if it concerns the collection of data on citizens, individual privacy, or our budget and taxes.

Ah, yes. Brought to you by the same administration that is reneging on all our nuclear weapon bans and treaties with countries like Iran and Russia. I’ve heard that there is a new plan to significantly cut the U.S. deficit before the next election by selling our excess nukes to North Korea and Syria. I’m not sure, but

Is this any better than the WYZE CAM 1080P which sells for about $10 less, and seems to have same features?

Is this any better than the WYZE CAM 1080P which sells for about $10 less, and seems to have same features?

If the legit news media ever gets its act together, when something like this occurs at a non-news, self-aggrandizing WH trolling event such as this, they should ALL just get up and immediately walk out. 

At some point the “free press” should realize that they have the right to NOT cover (i.e., collectively boycott) Trump “scheduled new events” and limit such reporting to such news at times and places they specify. I would think allowing a Presidential News Event may once every two months, and limiting it to no more

That’s hard to believe! All of POTUS Trump’s convicted/indited/pardoned friends claim they are devout GOPers. 

Does this only apply if you you want to auto-encrypt ALL data on a drive? I prefer to encrypt specific specific files only when needed. So I assume this does not apply to users like myself. Right?