
Cool Now forget that dumbass fairy tale and imagine a world where we’re just ambivalent about her for being unable to beat a completely unqualified candidate and we don’t want her to run again and repeat her failure.

No, she sucked.

How about just for the fact that she just about ran the laziest, most out of touch, arrogant campaign like ever?

Written as satire........And is what the conservatives honestly believe society is going to become if we have a set of strong LGBTQ rights laws:

That’s not my sticking point with Warren, I wish it were. That’s an easy one to forget about or otherwise ignore. She lied about getting fired for being pregs, so what? And maybe it wasn’t even a lie. Maybe she really believed she was going to get fired so she resigned. That’s the same thing as getting fired.

They’re all screaming at him right now about Syria, but so far defending/deflecting on impeachment.

Being evil and hypocritical is the way to win at politics

Honestly, this case is one of those that could go either way. It could be a 9-0 ruling, or it could be a 6-3 conservative majority. Because the thing is, it’s a case that put at odds the conservative movement’s desire to exclude trans people, with their desire to insulate and protect men.

The GOP will throw him into the wood chipper when his overall approval rating drops below 28 and stays there for two weeks or more, and/or his approval rating among GOPers drops below 50. Until then, they will stay the course.

It would be when support among Republicans for impeachment proceedings starts hitting ~40%. If it hit ~50%, they’d start breaking en masse.

So at what point do republican senators turn on him?

They basically have until the end of the year to make a call.

Also, there were a lot more conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans back in Nixon’s day. Politicians were not clearly divided down the middle like they are now.

A republican voter asked her congressperson almost the same question.
They’re riding this ship until it sinks.

Sadly, its the same the world over. Whoever came up with the phrase of ‘The cream always rises to the top’ needs a lesson in how this world really works.

McConnell has already indicated that impeachment stops with him, so there you go.

There is a magic number that they are closely following, and I don’t know how close they are to it. When the number of moderate defections against Trump exceed the damage to the base caused by dumping Trump (which will be substantial) then the turn will seem sudden and complete. Any Senate vote will be virtually

I think if they turn on him, it will be quick so they can get their affairs in order for 2020. But I don't actually think it will happen...

They will only turn on Trump when doing so is demonstrably less damaging to their own reelection chances than dealing with the threat of being primaried.

When it looks like the Senate might be put in play as a result.