Trump promises a new “incredible” health care plan that will be released “if the Republicans take back the House, keep the Senate, [and] keep the presidency.”
Trump promises a new “incredible” health care plan that will be released “if the Republicans take back the House, keep the Senate, [and] keep the presidency.”
Trump’s main strategy (such as it is) to fight the coming battle: don’t deny the charges—simply act as if soliciting foreign help to investigate a political rival and influence an election is extremely fine and normal.
Breaking news: Giuliani reveals that that the sister of the roommate of the former girlfriend of Obama’s gardener has information that, while on vacation one time, Obama attended a time share pitch and, even though he told the salesman he’d keep an open mind throughout the presentation, he actually had no intention of…
You know it’s just a matter of time before they start comparing dick sizes.
I think generic polling thus far is telling us that any Democrat will be a threat to Trump, he just (understandably) thinks Biden’s the one who’s going to fill that role.
This is what has always killed me. At the root of the whole “Actually, I hope Donald Trump stays in office, because Mike Pence would be so much worse” argument, there is the implication that he’s some master of the dark arts of politics. That he’s some chess master who knows how the machine works.
A winning home team, for one...
In international soccer, it’s customary to put the home team first, regardless of who won. (I do not think that Donald Trump was adhering to the customs of international soccer in his phrasing there.)
That eagle moment is so hilariously telling.
Biden, he made a lot of bees in Ukraine back in 19 dickety-two folks. We had to say “dickety” cause the illegal immigrants had stolen our word “twenty.” I was building a big beautiful wall to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles…
I would imagine Vlad could do some major damage real quick, especially if had Trump behind closed doors.
I think you can be anti-violence and still want to see Trump get his ass kicked.
Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say.
I’m not a proponent of violence, but he’s just such a tough guy that it would be awesome to see someone that could kind of get away with (like a foreign dignitary or something) get in his face for just a second before the secret service steps in, just to see him cower like he did with that eagle.
“We would be a far greater, uh, when we don’t have the CNN’s of the world,”
I’ve done extensive research and stand behind my data.
also soccer scores the home team is first and the away team is second so you’ll see “man city wins away battle 0-2"