
“Can’t even joke with a friend these days...”

God, I wish I could fully enjoy this. I wish I could revel in this utter stupidity and incompetence and absurdity. I wish I could just bathe in the schadenfreude without that pessimistic voice in the back of my head staring out the window distractedly and softly whispering, “none of this matters, you know.”

“Department of Justice Just Us”

Seriously. Some of us have been beating this drum for awhile now.

Can those of us that called for his impeachment on 11/9/16 get some credit too?

Some say Tomato. I say go fuck yourself.

So let’s fucking do it already.

You wouldn’t think but I listened to a story about how a SF meetup for food at a pop up had a long line and two fat cops never asked questions of why or what people lining up where doing and just grabbed their shotguns and walked next to the people in the line going towards the front while cocking their shotgun and a

The population of Afghanistan is 38.2 million.

Those are the ones that are so maddeningly frustrating.  Like of course the piece of shit racists are going to love him, but there are ostensibly decent people that support him and I still can't wrap my head around it.

I do, which is always a terrible idea. And they never address the actual article, it’s always like “thank God for president Trump” and “Democrats and socialism are evil” and "Obama ruined our country" and "but her emails".  Just on repeat over and over again with no actual points or logic.

It does boggle the mind. One of my sisters and her husband are Trumpers. 2 seemingly intelligent, nice as can be people. Why, why. They seem to live in some other plane of existence or bubble.

Read the comment section on their website’s articles. They really are that dumb. The majority seem to believe that if an area floods, it’s because God is trying to smite the wicked Democrats there for their slights against the second amendment.

I mean.... but they really ARE that dumb. Many/most of them have been watching this shit for years upon years (although “watching” is underselling it, more like “allowing it to dictate all of their beliefs and opinions”), and obviously at no point have they realized how disingenuous and misleading and just plain

I dunno but we'll hear it from Rapoport in that many hours and one minute.

I know the stereotype is that Fox viewers are dumb and easily manipulated but it’s just so hard to fathom how they can all watch this blatant hypocrisy and no one’s like “hey wait a second...” I mean I’m no fan of Trumpers but I’m honestly offended on their behalf by just how little Fox thinks of their intelligence.

That’s actually exactly what happened. Watch game replays.

Further proof that professional football is a horrible, horrible game and we are horrible, horrible people for supporting it.

Is she still banging Hank Siemers?

Please provide the list.