
Just shut up and throw the ball through the basketball ring.


George Carlin.

Jay Gruden knows who his backup QB will be vs New England but isn’t making that public yet.

Short-fingered vulgarian.

Turns out the woman yelling was a Trump supporter

Trump promises a new “incredible” health care plan that will be released “if the Republicans take back the House, keep the Senate, [and] keep the presidency.”

Trump’s main strategy (such as it is) to fight the coming battle: don’t deny the charges—simply act as if soliciting foreign help to investigate a political rival and influence an election is extremely fine and normal.

You know it’s just a matter of time before they start comparing dick sizes.

I never noticed that about baseball scores! I withdraw that point, obviously he’s still weird as hell in countless other ways.

Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say.

I’m not a proponent of violence, but he’s just such a tough guy that it would be awesome to see someone that could kind of get away with (like a foreign dignitary or something) get in his face for just a second before the secret service steps in, just to see him cower like he did with that eagle.

2 1/2 years in and it still boggles my mind every fucking day.

I’ve done extensive research and stand behind my data.

6/10 Republicans are breathtakingly stupid, while the other 4/10 are just regular stupid.

That’s insane that he wouldn’t know those two numbers considering how significant they were for him.

should we talk about him bowing out and throwing support to someone like Elizabeth Warren?

...ever since I got overwhelmingly elected in 2016, 223-306.

He called the author of that law (the STOCK Act), the late Louise Slaughter, a “despicable human being” for bringing ethics charges against him.