
Question: is anyone here or anyone you know really into Beto? I liked him a lot as someone that could potentially beat Cruz for a senate seat, but he just seems really meh for a presidential candidate. Like he’s good at social media and soundbites and memes and stuff but doesn’t seem to have much actual substance.

Don’t Trump and his base love this kind of shit though?  It seems like the more racist a candidate is the better, so I’m surprised to see this framed as “problematic”. 

Not that it justifies starting a war regardless, but it seems like it should be relatively easy to prove whose airspace the drone was in when it was shot down.

Well it’s both - the dummies that believe the lies the greedy war criminals feed them.

Remember when Colbert brought Spicer on stage at the Emmys?

Aside from how batshit this all is, he never said anything about it being off the record.

It would be so cool if we could actually learn from our past mistakes.

Are people falling for just the talk and no actual work?

He also said (but I’m going to guess didn’t write himself):

Not that I need any more convincing that he’s completely full of shit, but didn’t Trump promise to release all info on UFOs and Area 51 when he was campaigning?

Biden is the worst candidate because he fucking sucks, but would you or any liberals you know refuse to vote for him in the general? I know that’s the narrative the centrists are pushing - “can we really risk handing the election to Trump again?” - but to be honest it’s making me a little nervous. When I was

This country is so fucked up.

AOC is hands down my favorite politician, and I can’t wait for her to run for president in 8 years. I hope being in Washington that long doesn’t change her into a cynic or coward or corporate shill like nearly everyone else.

I’m also genuinely concerned for her safety - Trumpers are fucking lunatics and she’s already

Harvard’s auto-da-fe sets up an insane, cruel standard no one can possibly meet

This is obviously dumb for many reasons, but the biggest is who the fuck wants Trump’s cat anus mouth as their wallpaper?

Even if you had zero background on any of this, you’d never heard of Trump, and weren’t familiar with American politics or laws, he just sounds like the guiltiest motherfucker that ever committed crimes.

Call me cynical but I have a feeling this might be racially motivated. 

It’s not just the right who doesn’t understand it though. I was canvassing for Bernie in 2016 and a lady said “I like what he stands for but I’ll never vote for a socialist”. Unfortunately the “socialism is the devil” propaganda that’s been spreading since McCarthyism (and likely well before that) has permeated many

It’s crazy to think that there was once a day where not everything was a straight party vote, and that congressmen and senators actually voted their conscience.  Like I was watching a video from the Watergate hearings and republicans actually said they had to put the country over party.  It’s fucking bananas.