That’s the premise for a modern-day rewrite of “Jolene.”
That’s the premise for a modern-day rewrite of “Jolene.”
Why, was her father somebody famous? /s
If you register to vote and do not want to register as Repub or Dem, then you are registered as independent. Maybe this is differs state by state.
I thought his people were the fay
Actually, this sounds like a great idea.
I would listen to this podcast mentioned in the article. i’m swamped in podcasts but Bjork curating deep cuts from her archives and chirping arcanely about them is something I apparently need to hear.
Good lord, those boots are ugly as hell. my good Charlie. Currently Drew’s in the first half of this year’s Why Your Team Sucks.
And “Watching You Without Me, “ literally haunting...
I dunno if it’s lurching in any particular direction, but all the sites have been staggering around for a few years now cause of Herb.
If the debate is Team Pete vs Team Someone Else Generally, there’s a discussion to be had.
I call for the return of JezSpin. or better yet, a way to do JezFector.
More ad revenue, and no regard for the readership. Typical Spanfaller stuff.
I’m sure I’m with a sizable majority of people who now recognize Julia Fox exists, is an actress and is not Megan Fox, who only know any of this because she uh “dates” Kanye and thus increased her media profile.
Ooh, time for some Smiths jokes. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before...
The “politics” usually connects to issues mainstream in current feminist discourse. I just can’t imagine expecting or wanting to see coverage of that story from this site. It’s like complaining on a Gizmodo comment thread about the lack of Super Bowl coverage.
Somehow, I don’t think a gossip column, a pop-culture blog, or a “feminist/women’s-issues” blog is particularly a place to discuss the Russia-Ukraine story. It’s not the mission of the site and these are not the writers I’d look to for that coverage.
A thing I’ve learned is that sometimes people don’t want a response at all. They just want to say what they’re feeling. Unless this is a person physically present in your life, there’s no need to feel you have to reply or respond unless they’re specifically asking.
He did in the early 80s - kind of - and then came back by the end of the decade.