What’s the difference between a banjo and a chainsaw?
I think a thread that runs through GOP-leaning male POC is machoism, worship of traditional masculinity, and related misogynist and homophobic attitudes. Similarly, conservative religion, particularly anti-abortion attitudes, seems to bring in a segment of some POC voters.
Would very much appreciate if Cannibal Witch were to weigh in on the topic if possible. I know she’s no longer a staffer but maybe could she sit in on a crone-care panel?
(TL;DR = I, a man, do not feel a loss of power from the effort for more equality, and generally do feel relieved not having to care about that stuff or hating myself because I can’t play the toxic-masc roles.)
51-year-old cis-het male replying. I can only speak for myself and I don’t have the sense my takes represent…
I have a line on Godiva chocolates if that, ah, sweetens the deal.
Hey, if you make it to Philadelphia I’ll shelter a few troops. There’s a couple spare bedrooms. I have air conditioners!
My thought as well.
I apologize for suggesting you were the Tomato troll. Tomato was never this funny.
I think this (C-J), and another account I saw in the greys last night,are the return of the Tomato troll, whom I haven’t seen around since the demise of Splinter.
Does he lack even a shred of self-awareness, or is he trolling?
They thought “sub-par” referred to their golf scores.
FINally. Couldn’t believe I scrolled down this far before someone made the joke. I was afraid I’d have to do it myself. Thank you!
Kick him in the stomach.
Now ask me what I’d do if I saw Rand Paul walking down the street.
I know they’re not birds, obviously, but I can’t pass up any chance to support platypi.