“regarded with glee by some and passionate revulsion by others.” - sort of how possums have become thing in recent years? At least in my city.
“regarded with glee by some and passionate revulsion by others.” - sort of how possums have become thing in recent years? At least in my city.
Into that void stepped Mr. Kushner
It’s the only Deadspin we’ve got, as far as I’m concerned.
Stick to sportsblogs, nerd.
Won’t remember what?
That show is largely a documentary, after all. Source: Myself, a current Philly resident, since 1996.
For the purposes of photo ops, the lunar flag was (I guess, still is?) outfitted with a flexible wire to make it stand out impressively instead of hanging limply from its pole in the absence of atmosphere.
Source: Books owned by my grandad, who was an engineer for McDonnell Douglas and worked on NASA space projects…
As a fore-runner, My Name Is Earl.
A small moment that stuck with me was that, of all the farewells she ushered people through in this episode, it was her good-bye to Michael that showed Janet at her most concerned and vulnerable. There was a hint of desperation and unwillingness to let go that she didn’t even show with Jason. I thought it was a subtle…
He’s got a whole pile of notes and documents ’stached away.
I imagine he took a stab at representing himself in court but gave up after the judge kept cutting him off, and opted for the duel after his appeals were axed.
Probably not the sharpest guy, tbh.
“So I think it’s about a guy who works in the candle department at Bed, Bath & Beyond who doubles as a spy for a low-rent Hollywood production agency that specializes in finding out what Trend Films bigger studios are making and then scooping them with worse versions by 1-2 months. He finds out about the Gone Girl…
Get with the program. Investigative journalism and worthwhile longreads aren’t on Herb’s agenda. Click-bait mills are where we’re heading. Much easier to manage. Previously I thought Spanfaller was just a business douche whose ego far outstripped his actual abilities. Now I also think he has a particular onus…
It is. Kotaku’s entire investigative journalism group is being dissolved.
Splinter - too left wing; close it out.
Deadspin - Stick to sports.
Kotaku - Stick to reviews - only positive ones, preferably. Investigative journalism not needed.
Don’t criticize wealth, don’t criticize power. Don’t investigate the misdeeds of the executive suite. Write for clicks, not readers.
Great job, Herb.
No, that’s actually Eli. His two-dimensionality added to his elusiveness on the field.
I’m having a busy day at my office and I CANNOT be sitting here with tears in my eyes. Damn you!
Deadspin forever.
BTSTDs seemed to re-appear right after Splinter was killed off by the vile Spanfaller/Maidment cabal of vampire owners.