
This game would have been better as a movie to begin with.

There is research that shows people cannot tell when they are being looked at if they cannot see the viewer.

Ohhhhhhhh *facepalm* Thank you!

The numbers are counting down.

Yeah, the whole Baby Yoda is 50 years old jut doesn’t sit right with me. I just can’t believe any species that took that long to develop to maturity wouldn’t have gotten eaten by dingoes (or the Star Wars equivalent). Plus, Yoda mentions that he has been training Jedi for 800 years, so he would have been around 100

Honorable mention to 2004's "Birth", starring Nicole Kidman. Shit gets dark before the big reveal...

Something about super deep character creators in games makes up for weak other stuff to me and I hate it

I, personally, recognize rotoscoping from Linklater’s earlier film, Waking Life.


Why not just use age makeup on a younger actor?

I “made” my wife watch Bogus Journey a few weeks ago. Man, that movie is underrated. Most sequels just try to do the first movie again, but more. But Bogus Journey took the basic concept and went out for the weirdest that they could get, and it’s awesome. 

Their names were Little Ted and Little Bill (swapped). Gender was not specified. It would be 100% on-brand for those to be the names of two little girls.

yeah, but you can refer to things in real life without having to pay for it. ever hear of a documentary?

They don’t own the concept. They do own the trademark to the phrase “Choose Your Own Adventure” though, and the suit is alleging that Netflix is infringing on that by having a character in the series specifically say that the in-movie novel is “...a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book”.

The lawsuit isn’t about copying the concept or style. It’s that Netflix repeatedly uses the actual, trademarked phrase “Choose Your Own Adventure”, both in marketing for the film and within the story of the film itself. The company objects to the in-film novel, Bandersnatch, being described by a character as “It’s a

A movie about not smelling: “He Who Smelt It...DIES”.

This is near the exact take the book had. It was hard and detached, but practical given the world the characters exist in. It was easier to “process”? this take on motherhood in the book because, it’s a book and can explore deeper, but I thought Sandra did a fine job. I was also impressed they cut so close to the

Race wouldn’t have been as much of an issue in Jacobean times as it became later on. Modern racism was pretty much invented to justify the Transatlantic Slave Trade as plantation slavery in the New World drove it to ever more extreme and cruel levels. Before then, Europeans would’ve seen Africans (or South Asians like

Why would you ever pick Herbie over firestar?

Poor Firestar doesn’t even make the list.