
Instead I drizzle olive oil on the pizza as nature intended.

An argument for keeping cats in doors is to remember that they, too, are subject to predation. In ever increasing parts of North America coyotes are regular predators of not only house cats but also of small to medium dogs. When I lived in Hoboken, New Jersey many years ago, a great horned owl which took up residence

My friend’s two dachshunds are unholy terrors who efficiently kill any number of rats, lizards, birds, snakes, hedgehogs, butterflies, slugs, etc etc that make the mistake of entering into her walled garden. The neighbourhood cats know better.

Perofil 4ever t-shirt. V-neck. Beautiful cotton, a ‘V’ that’s deep enough but not exaggerated, the body is slim enough to cling but it’s not tight, and long enough to stay firmly tucked in without riding up.

Perofil 4ever t-shirt. V-neck. Beautiful cotton, a ‘V’ that’s deep enough but not exaggerated, the body is slim

Who remembers anything from someone else’s wedding? Good for the happy couple.

Amtrak is crazy expensive, it’s true. We looked at taking the train back and forth from New York to Boston at Christmas this year. Apart from the fact that nearly every train was booked solid except for the most inconvenient hours, the cost was insane—something like 650 USD round trip. Considering how pokey the trains

America does have a significantly greater landmass than European countries, but most Americans live on or near the coasts. The so-called heartland is largely empty of people by comparison.

Here’s how to get your body noticed without flouting the ‘no shirt, no shoes, no service’ rules. Wear clothes that fit. You don’t have to switch to all lycra all the time, but you can wear shirts that are not fourteen sizes too big for you and still keep your straight guy card.

I read this (had to re-read it, actually) as a genuine proofreading error and quite liked it.

My work phone is the iphone 5s and the personal phone is the 6. I far prefer the size and weight of the 6. The 5s feels clunky and cramped by comparison.

A zillion years ago I answered an ad for a job with a major—ok, the major—national testing organization. The interesting job in the ad turned out to be a grunt assistant position where the first hurdle to clear in the process was a typing test. This was a zillion years ago, mind you, and I really needed a job. I typed

Your comment is everything.

“. . . would you mind giving it another shot?” is a soft but fairly useless feedback. Some input on how it could be improved would make all the difference.

I totally agree! The women who I know who ride sidesaddle are amazing horsewomen. One also insists that it's much more comfortable. Easier on the back.

It was one of my favorite words when I was studying, too! I set out to master the a whole list of four-or more-kanji words and this was one of the few that stuck.

The corgis are adorable but the kitten picture has me mesmerised. I count twelve kitties. Twelve little grey kitties. Twelve kittahs. My favorite might be the one whose fuzzy little muzzle is just barely visible between the index and middle finger of the person's left hand.

So does most of Asia. Somehow linked to Confucian principles I understand.

". . . it's a painstakingly built aluminum covered desk . . ."

What if you stored it at the pizzeria around the corner?

That's the Timex Piece of Shit®, thank you very much.