
He didn't have to see her naked, she just said it was ok if he did.

Iris hasn't had sex since Eddie died and Barry since Patty left. Mid-late twenties people don't just not have sex. Whole thing is weird to me.

I don't think there was a comma in "I am the future Flash"

Gotta start somewhere.

Star Labs becomes the 1st Flash Museum right?

Was he stil on the flash last year when zoom was introduced?

Wondering how long for them to figure out its thawne. Martin has fought him before so red streak might be enough.

I can't believe Weiner killed that Poussey.

I was fine with the chocking scene. The next scene when he hacks her iPhone though was too much.

Season one: Mentor speedster killed one of Barry's parents
Season two: Mentor speedster kills the other of Barry's parents.
Lazy writing this season.

Yep. Next year Rita becomes Elizabeth Banks for a whole new generation. No breast implants.

Heroes to villians
Oliver: You're a monster. Die.
Rip: You're a monster. Feel this pain, then die
Barry: I got some Harry Potter characters to take you away.

We don't know enough about Star City's past to say that. I am sure they have had PLENTY of drunk D.A.'s

Worked for Rita's breast implants.

An excellent point. Forgot about Bulk and Skull fighting.

This is very accurate. Supergirl I would put in the B-, maybe a B if they did some extra credit.

I never thought arrow would steal the hope/magic storyline from Power Rangers Mystic Force

Does anyone think less of Joe for putting bullets in the 1st Weather Wizard?

They have screwed with enough Batman mythos so any chance the doppelganger will be Thomas Elliot (Hush)?