
I feel like they are purposely keeping the one person who knows about the Reverse Flash from seeing him. No reason for Firestorm not to be used tonight. Martin will figure it out in a couple weeks that he fought him before.

So her coming back might help keep Sara safe now. Won't recklessly try to kill him

As the one who died or who is the bunker?

If she lives does Darhk go after Sara or Lance? He promised to kill one of them.

I don't think flashpoint because we have seen characters mention her death since Barry restored the timeline. The statue, Oliver and Sara last week.

I don't understand why people think Laurel is either flashpoint, the pit, or alternate earth. Her death last year came out of nowhere. She was fine and then she dies and Oliver just stands there? Never. They even said tonight how people come back from the dead a lot now. Fake death, real Laurel.

Barry owns all of Star Labs and its patents. The question is more why does he work?

It has to be few and far between. The good beats back the bad but unless the good kills the bad (which it doesnt want to do) the bad comes back. Good has to win or it ends. Evil doesnt have that pressure.

Arrow is doing the same thing. Tell us a character is a villain, have the crossover, have them revealed to the team. It seems they have forgot how they built up Wells or Merlin

The basically did 1865 to 1901 in terms of presidents surviving. Either you are killed or the next one killed.

I enjoyed it but I can't argue with that. It was really dumb really often. I do think its season 5 Emmy for best drama was deserved though.

Killed a sitting president in season 4 and 6. Killed the former in 5.

They killed a lot of presidents and no one really cared.

Also, 24 did that. Nuked LA. Everyone just moved on.

If 24 can get over it in a couple hours Flash can get over it in a week.

Agreed. I get that Alchemy uses that in the books but it doesnt make sense with Savitar.

I said the same thing on Twitter and a guy said "you know the stone is used all over DC and Marvel right?" Yeah, I know. But if you dont see the humor of Draco Malfoy explaining the history of the Philosopher Stone then I can't help you.

Just once I want to hear "Do I have a toilet?"

"Look, be grateful you have toilets! In my other line of work I lock people in cells without them and I have a lot of cells. Anyone still have a problem?"

Take away the holiday get togethers and it has become really hard to see that these people are friends. Even outside of Barry Barrying the timeline.