
not once, but twice, this article brings up the fuse box - and I can’t understand why. if the whole house is out, resetting breakers ain’t gonna help. if it’s only one breaker that tripped then you’re not in total darkness and it’s only one circuit (and in my experience not even entire rooms) that are out...

I’m generally aware of the brown:green ratio (2:1 by volume, 1:1 by weight) but that only exhibits minimal influence over what goes into that box I created with four pallets along my back fence. It’s far enough away I don’t care about the smell and the creatures can have at it for all I care.

Braden, you’re singing my song. It made my day to hear someone else say it for once. PREACH IT BROTHER.

how else ya gonna get 11 digits without removing your shoes?

but ya still gotta remove shoes to get your pants off for 11, don’t ya?

ah yes, but neither is the human body symmetric, nor its weight evenly distributed from top to bottom.

and he’s just hanging his head in shame, as if he was just told how well the movie did at the box office, but he already pretty much knew how it was gonna go.

Once again, BuriedAlive, you’re putting words in my mouth. I’d like you to point out what I said that you’re describing as “confidently speaking on what’s going on here”. In fact, quite the opposite: I’ve gone out of my way to point out my own ignorance.

You sound like a rapist that got away with it.”

Geez, BuriedAlive - talk about putting words in someone’s mouth!

Yes, my experience involved an encounter that was not only consensual, but fully driven by her. If anything, she was the aggressor that proceeded without my verbalized consent (but I was into it, so not a problem). There wasn’t a single activity that wasn’t initiated by her that evening.

They froze him out - they won’t listen to his word.

actually, that’s an excellent point. I guess it gets a lot harder to construct some kind of theory that explains multiple accusers. Indeed, I did only have one - but nothing was proven either way because there was no evidence (how could there be?). Didn’t stop my reputation from becoming something I’m not though.

they didn’t just believe, they acted. and there is no evidence (that we know of, I guess). my problem is them taking that action without considering the other side of the story.

well I didn’t know any of that and it does explain why a buyer couldn’t check it out ahead of time. I guess I was envisioning that being done at whatever point the mileage is being recorded (instead of trusting the analog gauge that has been proven time and time again to be subject to adulteration).

so BIG arsehold = rapist now? oh boy, I know some people that are gonna be in a heap of trouble. that goes for women too, or just men?

Let’s see... being fully committed to acting on blind faith without regard for evidence, facts or truth. Where have I seen that before?

I guess I’m just surprised that a quick & cheap plug into the OBD port isn’t SOP for evaluating any used car these days, let alone high milage company vehicles.

fully agree with your sentiment, they should be on the hook for every dime of that money.

would you have clicked on a random article about rich dudes charging $250k for trips to the ocean floor?   i’m sure they told whoever would listen, but nobody cared then.  including you and me.