
Right? I didn’t grow up here and I have no love for Chicago (quite the opposite after living here close to 20 years now, actually) but I am also befuddled at the absence of one here. It’s a progressive population that’s chock full of daily commuters, i.e. great for the EV market.

That’s an excellent point... and one I’ve pondered the logistics of as I consider a Polestar while there’s no dealership in the Chicago area.

I’m fascinated that the higher repair cost for EVs is being chalked up to not just parts... but LABOR? working on an EV costs more in labor than ICE cars? Sounds like the same situation as when the carpet store wanted to charge me more for a “dressing room” than a “walk-in closet” - they’re just soaking

you would know, but the buyer you sell to won’t

leave it to someone that feels the need to correct someone on the difference between missouri and mississippi to make a backhanded KKK comment. real nice.  when we gonna grow up?

meh, I can see both sides. it’s a hellofa lot quicker and easier to glance at a sticker than pull up and search a database.

another gym bag care tip: since I go to a gym that provides product, when changing I’ll hit both my regular shoes and my gym shoes with the Right Guard Deodorant Spray like once or twice a week and it seems to keep the shoes nice and odor free.

I’ve never been a journalist myself, but it still irks me that people seem to be blind to the reality of the constraints you mention (guidelines, deadlines).

nah, sodium hydroxide is for pretzels. level up and go with TSP for cleaning.

The one product worth buying when it’s time to get the security deposit back: TSP (trisodium phosphate). It’s magic on the stubborn grease this article is talking about.

Thinking about both times I had a major success on the heels of multiple failures (quitting smoking in 2010, and losing 85lb in 2022), it wasn’t one thing or even my own resolve that made it happen; it was a convergence of multiple (external!) things and motivations to get my mind right.

Great flick; don’t read too much about it.   If your interest is sparked by the location or Sam Rockwell, it’s a no-brainer.   It’s sci-fi without too much “fi”.

yup, I’ve always been purposefully, moronically dense when it comes to reciprocating anything I think might be flirting. Have been told many times that I missed opportunities, but it’s better than being labeled a creep or making someone else feel uncomfortable. Some of the stories make me look pretty damn daft though

uhh, no - it was in the article, following the words “the report states”

if the tesla isn’t at fault, then it’s the driver on the hook for braking to 20 in the passing lane?

Haven’t heard of this whiskey before, will definitely pick up a bottle and try.   Why do you say their success is “well deserved” though?  I don’t see anything about that in the article, what did they leave out?

just because automation is just now hitting home for artists doesn’t mean that you’re going to be successful in mobilizing much of a resistance to it. where were you with this argument 5, 10, 20+ years ago?

oh man, this rational take is NOT going to be well received here. but i’ll give you a star without verifying anything.

I’m right there with ya, panthercougar.  I continue to be amazed at those that look at side effects of something like this and thing “ah, 2%, that won’t be me” and then go buy a lottery ticket.   Contacts have never been enough of a bother to me to sign up for elective surgery.  Besides, having my glasses as a fashion

just a reminder about ratios and cross multiplying, to help those achieve these calculations. Remember: