
I’m interested that you say you’ve never gotten a DUI, but don’t say you’ve never driven drunk. Be careful calling other people names - stuff has a way of circling back around. Being old enough to have driven for 40 years, I would have thought you’d figured that out by now.

bravo! (FYI, the firmness of your poops is because of the veggies, not the water, but good on you!)

I’m right there with ya, marvelous mike.  thankfully the early-adopter bug never bit me; I’m happy to let them pay a premium and forge through all the bugs while I pay less for a more stable product.

tell me you’re American without saying you’re American.

I have a better appreciation than most at how hard it is to come up with material for articles, but can we not promote additional waste of single use plastic, please?

ok fine i’ll give you a star for that

...MORE fun facts: the names come from them literally being in the Upper Case or the Lower Case for the typesetter to pick from when setting up the printing presses!

I don’t even know how to address your pretending that gas tanks don’t exist. What I do know is nothing I type here will change your mind so.... peace out man.

i’m certainly no fan of elon or tesla and you won’t catch me defending them, but I do tire of the LoOk aT aLL tHe FiReS!  nonsense.  if ICE cars that catch fire got as many headlines, we’d read about nothing else.    yes, new tech deserves extra close scrutiny, but let’s keep things in perspective, yes?

i’m guessing, in his mind, that if he didn’t order them to undress and is “just watching” then it’s..... better??? this bastard better get the full 15 years, and in general population.   It makes me smile to think of an ex-warden in that position.

Yeah, this is more of a guide of where you can get away with it - not where it happens.

you really, really should read the article before commenting.   to answer your question, no.  it’s not a tape measure.

While we like to think we are smarter than the average person, the reality is” only half of us are.

Major props for linking to places other than amazon.  The equal spacing tool is new for me, might actually pick one up!

it’s not cherry picking, dude. the numbers are right there. the public assumes the study is comparing those that got the procedure vs those that didn’t. when we go around spouting the 20% number, that’s what the public assumes it means. right or wrong, most will not read the study to see that their assumption is wrong

amen to the voice of reason.   if you don’t regularly return home and get sick, there’s no problem that needs fixing.  we live in a dirty world.  evidence abound of what we do to ourselves when we sterilize everything.

good job. you referenced the 20% number AGAIN. now go look at the part where it compares the number of people that got a colonoscopy vs those that didn’t. those are the numbers that the general populace assume the 20% means, and why this is so confusing.

counterpoint: it takes extreme courage to admit such a mistake in a public forum like this, with your writing reputation on the line. do you think you have that much courage?

I would have really appreciated a breakdown of the different types of lampshade... connections? types? Seems to me I never get the right kind to fit the lamp at home, even when I take pictures and it looks like it’ll fit...  but maybe I’m missing something?