
having lived in Denver, I can tell you the snow is DIFFERENT there. after the initial downfall, it just kinda blows away. due to the altitude and lack of humidity, it doesn’t melt & refreeze into slush and ice disasters that i’m used to on the east coast & midwest. the real snow happens up in the mountains. it

Despite all the great quips in that movie, the one I hear first in my head is “Jump, Daaainaahhhh!”

you purport to understand what makes for statistically valid comparisons, yet parrot the widely misunderstood 20% number, further contributing to the confusion and misinterpretation of the study. which is my point.

the police forces’ reluctance to cooperate, passive-aggressiveness, and outright aggressiveness all started way before anyone uttered the words “defund the police”

If it’s this hard to get a manual car now, and only getting harder and we transition to electric, why are we concerned with teaching our kids how to drive one again?

you should read the actual study, and not others’ distillation of it. those low numbers compare the difference between 2 groups: those not offered a colonoscopy, and those offered one. that 2nd group is made up of those that actually went and got one and those that didn’t.

Hey, it’s got me reading a Nascar article - not something I would have predicted when I got up this morning.  

it’s all in perspective... do you think mosquitoes see things the same way we do??   heck, we can’t even say that about dogs!

I wish my 17 CRV had the ability to select an analog gauge, at least for my speed.  I find the abruptly changing numbers to be a distraction (akin to a check engine or other warning light coming on) and would greatly prefer the gradual sweep of a gauge arm, even if it’s FAKE.

yes, deer are mammals. go for it!

I’m all in on this tech and its application. And sometimes I think I should worry a little MORE about privacy (that is to say: I’m not one of these people that is screaming about tech companies or the gov’t spying on me). I understand that I’m paying for “free” services with my information and I’m generally ok with

the straight six on my ‘71 Ford Maverick was lots and lots of fun.  I remember my own hubcaps passing me on cloverleafs more than a few times.  (for all you youngins, Ford’s Maverick didn’t used to be a pickup)

I don’t have a lot to add other than this is a great article, so I’m doing my part in boosting engagement by leaving this comment. Thanks!

“wasting all our time with this article”

Now playing

HIPAA violation? uhh, nope. not even close.

I have to remind myself that while this is a “no biggie” to my privileged life, every small move like this further marginalizes people that are struggling; like those that just barely afford a car but don’t have a credit card or other barriers to things I take for granted.   “Land of the free, just so long as you

Now playing

@Really Stupid Dumba$s - uhhhhh, nope. here, watch this - it’ll set you straight on HIPAA and keep you from sounding like a Really Stupid Dumba$s

correction: a crew of fifteen dinosaurs being chased by someone dressed as an asteroid would be impressive

I hope this helps people remember that ICE cars retain the higher risk of fires, despite all the press that electric car fires get.

I’m on 105.0.5195.136 and after enabling the feature the option doesn’t show up under Privacy and security.   Restarted chrome several times and triple checked that the “enable” setting saved.