
That’s true of any other security camera, as well.

The origins are from the term “merc”, which is short for “mercenary”. Although, I can’t really fine people spelling it “merced” online. Language is goofy like that. 

They could have, and that would have been fine, but it’s also fine to have it be about a particular character who’s story they want to tell, as well. Couldn’t care less what ethnicity/gender or even species they were, really, as long as they give me a compelling narrative with some solid gameplay with a bit of depth

That’s fine for some games. Other games are written with a particular character and a particular story in mind. It’s ok to have narrative driven games where you don’t get to choose who you play. Sort of like how Horizon Zero Dawn didn’t give you any other options, and people really seemed to relate to it.

Motherfucking GORN.

What are you babbling about? Single player gaming is one of the things many, many players like the very most. I enjoy some multiplayer games, but most of the games I enjoy are singleplayer.

It’s interactive fiction, which is one of the oldest staples of video gaming. Zork, HHGTTG, Shadows of Mordor, etc. It is at the very roots of computer gaming. Now go play your Fortnite and let the adults talk.

You’ve not actually demonstrated that your understanding is any better, and you haven’t really addressed anything he said. Instead of that, you’re being condescending, despite not having a genuine point or even a coherent argument against what he’s said.

You’re not a bright person.

Without evidence it would have been impossible to make a determination, and probably no charges against anyone would have been filed. I’m very glad there was evidence, and hopefully the video will be released, so anyone can see exactly what happened, and this guy won’t get the benefit of any deniability.

A kid going to

Just boil lobsters. It’s by far the fastest way to dispatch them. Generally when I add them to the pot, they don’t even flop once. I tried the cutting the head method once when I was younger, and didn’t know about the rows of ganglia. It took much longer, and it flopped and bled all over before dying. It didn’t die

Eating meat doesn’t increase your cancer risk in any way that’s comparable to cigarettes. You’re making shit up. In actual matter of fact, humans require a small amount of animal protein to be healthy. Not nearly as much as people eat, of course, but it’s a part of our natural diet as omnivores.

Regardless, your rant

Sounds more like a Harry Potter name to me, honestly.

Setting up mysteries and questions is all J.J. Abrams knows how to do, aside from pointless lens flares. In the end, everyone waits with baited breath, and finds out he never had any answers to them. Look at “Lost”, for instance. This film shut that nonsense right the fuck down in a pretty great way. Also, this film

Except that it was the same way for Palpatine, for Obi-Wan, for Vader, and on and on the list goes, up until the atrocious prequel movies. But those movies weren’t insulting, huh? Just this one, because it’s a question you personally wanted answered in this film. As for Rey’s parents, Luke’s father wasn’t introduced

No, these wankstains need to be ashamed of what they’ve done. The fire department has every right to point out their stupidity.

The debate is sort of like the debate about evolution vs. creationism, in that every particle of evidence points to one conclusion in both cases, but you have people on one side denying that conclusion vehemently and endlessly, trying to protect a broken and fallacious worldview against the ravages of plainly

There are like five or six actual new features here. The rest is a collection of marginal improvements to existing features. Much of it was stuff standard to Android months or years ago.

This is both better and spicier.

Oh, so you’ve seen the show? Either that or you’re talking right out of your puckered asshole.

It’s a rather boring little commercial, isn’t it? And yes, just keep on shitting on a show you’ve never seen. There’s a reason no one takes io9 seriously when it comes to critiquing science fiction or fantasy in any form whatsoever, and it’s garbage articles like this.

The author of this trash should probably quit