
This article is really, really long, and never makes a case for a trackpad being useful for controlling games in all of that length. Trackpads are terrible for nearly every type and genre of game that exists, even modern trackpads, and even apple trackpads. Even games that can be played acceptably with a trackpad work

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: PC laptops have multitouch as well. I can pinch to zoom, use a two finger swipe to scroll, etc. The only difference, is mine has separate, physical buttons, including the ability the right click.

“Some feminists say that reducing the physical manifestations of their orgasms to urine diminishes the importance of female pleasure during sex. Other feminists say the opposite: Claiming it’s more than urine perpetuates a male fantasy.”

No. Whether it’s urine or ejaculate (this study says it’s largely urine with small

Point: Some people can digest milk just fine. Counterpoint: None.

it doesn't seem to make any strong points, other than "you should be vaguely uncomfortable if you're white". I was honestly waiting the entire time for her to go ahead and tell me what it was she was trying to say.

I've played Super Metroid from start to finish perhaps three times, and I'm doing so again, recently (on an actual SNES), and it's posing little difficulty, despite having been around ten years since the last time I played it. The first time, I was maybe 11, and it took me a while, but I got past all the obstacles and

My impression of the character is that his behavior is overwhelmingly effeminate. I'd almost say a homosexual stereotype, except that it's heavily implied he sleeps with lots of women.

I think most of these are pretty far off-base, really. The one about mutant hillbillies, for instance... is it racist because they're

If anything, Klingons were intended to appear Japanese. Honor obsessed warriors, using bladed weapons/swords, and even with the stereotypical facial hair. They were clearly modeled on samurai culture.

Sorry, no. Science isn't "liberal hooey". It is neither liberal nor conservative. It's science, and it works. Creationism, on the other hand, is ancient superstition and mythology. People who believe in it try to undermine science in order to protect their beliefs, which are not rationally based.

And no, mockery