Tampa 2 Step

Terrence Cody had his body ruined by football too.


I took your word for it, and I was not disappointed.

Stan Kroenke is the ultimate asshole sports team owner.

Neat fable brethren.


Damn, that sucks. I remember being a huge fan of his as a kid. He was one of the reasons I started BMX riding. RIP man.

Cool story bro.

Senator Mark Chelgren has achieved maximal butthurt. He’s even trying to pass a stupid bill in the Iowa State Senate because of it. That level of butthurt is rarely ever seen.

DeMarcus Cousins be like.

Honestly, I don’t think any NBA prospect wants anything to do with the 76ers and their process.

Cut Phil Simms some slack. He probably has CTE.

Dude, you had one job.

ASU is known for weed smoking? News to me. I always thought of them as more of a heavy binge drinking learning institution.


This comment is too good to be in the grays.

Calm down Nancy Grace.

So NBA teams have found an elaborate way to effectively foul intentionally without it being considered a technical or flagrant foul.

I’m just amazed the team had so little respect for such an accomplished fighter pilot.

Hah it’s funny because he’s an old white man dancing in a manner which old white men don’t dance. That’s a real knee slapper right there.