Tampa 2 Step


Why are they cleaning house? Don’t they know there are plenty of abandoned houses in Detroit just waiting to be occupied.

Shut up mom!

Holy shit, that is one gnarly looking hand. What the hell kind of firework did he have do that to his hand? Certainly not the work of an ordinary firecracker or roman candle. No this would have had to be an M80 or something even larger like a pipe-bomb or a hand grenade.

Here’s a really terrifying story... This one time I watched Fox News.

Well yes the article does mention that she called the police. However nowhere in this article does it talk about lack of effort from the police. the link to the other article from Cosmopolitan does talk about the lack of effort from the police, but in only in a very construed manner, as if the Boston Police department

How dare those white people appropriate Mexican culture!

Sounds like Boomer ate one too many boomers that day.

“Hey we should try to trade for this guy.”

This artilce had nothing to do with Boston Police, yet you felt the need to throw them under the bus anyway.

You must have missed the part about how filming someone in public isn’t illegal...

You seem pretty butt-hurt...

Jerry Jones loves all the publicity Greg Hardy and his antics are getting. Jerry Jones wants people talking about the cowboys as much as possible, even if it is for negative reasons. Plus the more people focusing on Hardy takes the spotlight off the Cowboys losing streak.

Dead squirrels wearing football helmests is hilarious already. The fact that they are set up as a reenactment of significant sports moment makes it even better.


+1 Hah!

So the Satanic worshipers are going to do a ceremony at the end of the football game, because the football coach is conducting a prayer session at the end of the football game. Ooh how edgy.

So I take it fans at the game were not continuously chanting his name tonight.

“He even gets excited better than Rober Griffin III.”