He must have been smoking some of that knock you on your ass kind of weed.
He must have been smoking some of that knock you on your ass kind of weed.
“Slave labor, the best kind of labor!”
Being a conspiracy theorist nut is foolish, but it's not a crime. Not sure what exactly they can "investigate" here.
Scully never sounds too excited. It’s like he’s seen it all before, and he kind of has.
In summery, airlines have a recent history of kicking people off of airplanes for absolutely ridiculous reasons.
Herp a derp, but think about all the jobs that were created!
Who the hell hasn’t Goodell pissed off?
So why again wasn’t Kerr named NBA coach of the year?
And all this time I’ve been told it’s a good thing to plant trees where there are none.
+1 (yes)
+1 (win)
Can someone Photoshop David Blatt in a fighter pilot suit?
Come on guys, David Blatt is a really good coach. Sometimes the players even listen to him.
Good old Little League base-running at its finest.
This would happen to the Jags.
Who doesn’t like pron?
“The look at me types”
Yeah but the kid ended up getting a sweet souvenir.
Yes, it’s very irritating when something deviates from cultural norms. How dare those parents give their kids non-traditional names!
That was more entertaining than the baseball game itself.