Rousey is a certified badass.
The ghost of Dale Earnhardt Senior strikes again.
Another example of how Twitter usage by athletes tends to do more harm than good.
On a different note, the NIU basketball court is absolutely hideous. It looks like they had a nice basketball court, and then someone decided to color it in with a black Sharpie.
To be fair, I think everyone was expecting Lynch would get the ball in that situation.
Yes, there are a lot of idiots in this country.
No offense, but your mother sounds like an awful person.
Oh thank god. For second there, I was worried they did support IS.
This NSFW? Okay then....
God I need a drink.
So when a coach says he does not believe in analytics, he's basically saying he is not fit to be the head coach of an NBA team.
That's like asking Raiders fans to keep it classy.
Celeste has been arrested for domestic violence multiple times, yet she is claiming Rousey is the bully.
Yes we boys is stupids.
Hey, that crab was totally asking for it!
+1 win
Thanks for making me look up the word "tautology". I feel more intellectual now.
Oh yes, the good old "get rid of him before the bad publicity starts". Way to go Pitino!
I thought the legal system required reason beyond doubt to prove someone guilty. Saying he "likely" attacked her doesn't seem like reason beyond doubt.