Tampa 2 Step

Holy shit, he blew a .218? That's borderline alcohol poisoning.

I really had nothing against St. Louis until reading this piece. Now I fucking hate Mayor Slay and his fucking pissant city.

Yeah the NFL really isn't good at convincing us of things...

Yeah that taunting penalty on Oregon was way over the top. However there was an equally ridiculous unsportsmanlike conduct penalty called on Arizona earlier in the game. Call it a make up call if you will.

Oh they must use the same security protocol as the Secret Service.

I still think they should do domestic violence awareness instead.... It would be more relevant.

I still think they need to do domestic violence awareness instead... That would be much more relevant.

A serious lack of communication is to blame?

Didn't Tebow routinely go down on his knee and pray after scoring a touchdown? I don't recall him ever getting penalized for that...

But Johnny Football!

Hoke might be the biggest ass-clown in all of college football.....

Watching this video has made me violently ill.

I saw both these middle fingers on live TV. And I just knew deadspin would report on it.

No that's just the level of excitement associated with UMass football.

Let me guess, Goodell will claim it got lost in the mail.

I'm offended.

Damn that's a fancy trick.

Hey at least they are trying to make baseball cards relevant again...

Well played South Park, well played.

So I take Jefferson County Colorado is full a lot of nutty people...