Just being a devil's advocate here, but most dress codes have guys way more covered up than girls. I'm thinking shirt, tie, & jacket here, but you get the point.
Just being a devil's advocate here, but most dress codes have guys way more covered up than girls. I'm thinking shirt, tie, & jacket here, but you get the point.
As a straight man, I have to agree. 90% of the time, leggings aren't attractive to me at all. Now put the same girl in a classy skirt suit or dress and heels, and DAMN! Contrary to popular belief, it is way sexier when there is something left up to the imagination. Not to mention it is sexy when a woman is…
Let's face it, some (okay, most) guys are going to be distracted by anything with a second X chromosome no matter how well covered up they are, so let's stop pretending that that is the reason for dress codes. Hell, it is probably safe to say that other girls are probably way more distracted by what their peers wear…
Most rice is really dusty, where silica gel is in a packet or contained somehow (http://www.amazon.com/Dry-Packs-Sili…) to keep it from getting into your electronics. When rice dust mixes with moisture, it can get really sticky and messy. You can get away with it with most cell phones, but with laptops, the rice…
We only really use this method if it was something sticky that got spilled. If it's just water, you're better off just waiting for it to dry. Alcohol can do enough unpredictable things to plastics and adhesives that it is best left alone if not necessary.
If the rice is drier than the surrounding air, it does absorb some moisture. If the rice has been exposed to the air for a while though, you won't get much if any effect.
Please don't ever put electronics directly in rice, especially laptops. It causes more problems than it solves. You can buy a jar of dessicant (silica gel) at any gun or safe store for a few bucks. Put that in an airtight container with your device and let it sit.
This has always bugged me, and when I get my quarterly accredidation/please bribe us calls I always make sure to tell them that this is why I don't sign up.
It has to do with the way the Ukraine is referred to in Russian. Without getting too technical, Russian uses different prepositions for a country vs a region/area. An English equivalent would be something like The Yukon or The Northwest Territories.
Regular rubbing alcohol works too and is a lot easier to use.
I'm surprised that there was no mention of Dan Gibson's "Solitudes." Two of my favorites are "By Canoe to Loon Lake" and "Forest Cello."
Basic understanding of math is important for so many reasons. Case in point, my wife's complete lack of cooking ability stems almost entirely from her inability to figure out fractions. I also think that knowing how to make change should be a requirement for HS graduation.
We've learned that there are definitely certain postitions that work better for her and some that work better for me. We take turns and everyone is happy.
This is why I miss European condiments. The come in big pouches so that you can squeeze the last bit out with almost zero waste. I don't understand why Heinz in the US comes in a bottle, but in comes in a pouch everywhere else.
Who did you use in UT if you don't mind me asking? We're moving soon and are planning to hire someone for a move-out clean.
My wife has always had long hair, but cut off 22 inches to donate a couple years ago. She looked so hot that we barely made it out of the salon without a public indecency charge. I've been bugging her to cut it again ever since. #NotAllGuysAreTheSame
That almost makes sense, but I'd hardly compare my tree cutting ability to his.
You're forgetting another, more important reason to test electronics. If you buy them in October or November, the return period may be over before you open them on Christmas Day. I have several customers who have been screwed over this way.
I just taught the scouts about water rescues last night, and I think you should emphasize that swimming out to rescue someone is a good way to get you both killed. Unless you are a pro, never get within arms reach if at all possible. One dead body is better than two.
Unfortunately, this is absolutely true. I saved a guy's life in a Wal-Mart parking lot once in college only to find out later from a friend who worked there that the guy was trying to sue Wal-Mart. He claimed that he slipped and fell and that triggered his heart attack. When I testified against him, he tried to sue…