Johanna Rose

Maybe I'm naive, but I took it as a passing reference to one of the traits that all the actors who have portrayed Superman share, along with dark hair and sick chins. I don't see sick-chined people getting defensive.

Yes. He controls the power of water with his trident! It's like a wee powerful little dishwasher.

Galactus is a Multi-Dimensional Being. In essence, there is only ONE Galactus in the entire multiverse. Not multiple versions of him, but one single version that exists outside of the universe-dimension-thing. Like characters that exist outside of time. The earth is not a multi-dimensional object. Multiples exist. One

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Thank god that German TV was all about the anime in the 90s. Without Nadia and Jura Tripper, my 90s anime experience would have been so much less awesome.

Sure, except Marvel is the US and DC is on the level of Somalia. I don't think it's really a contest at this point, with the speed and quality that Marvel has.

"It's no fair to be intolerant to the intolerant."

Children of Earth was one of the best things on TV in recent years.

If I simply write "M Night", does that provide all the answers?

Tony made a bunch of poorly constructed prototype suits as a means of coping with his PTSD after nearly dying in The Avengers. That not only made him neglect his friends, it also made him sloppy and unfocused. Getting rid of the dead weight armor is the best thing he did, especially after having seen that his friends

read everything that Sam Storyteller wrote (just plug that name into AO3) and then read everything he recommends. You won't regret a moment of it.

I'll let you in on a little secret that one of these fanfic authors confessed to me: Not all fanfiction writers are amateurs. Some are "real" writers who write fanfiction to exercise their talents between paying jobs which is why these stories vary in quality. Some are written by unskilled Mary Sues and others are

The Casual Vacancy was a lot better received in the UK than America, as the book was so unashamedly provincial and English that most of her points on small-town class politics flew straight over the US reviewers' heads

Absolutely agree with this. The notion that fanfic is lesser than, or automatically less worthy of note, is so ridiculous and antiquated. Thanks for pointing this out!

Some random advice studios should follow (but likely won't) when considering a female superhero film: