Johanna Cariou Lost Her Key

Yes! ¡A la Mexicana! My go-to drink in summer is lime juice, water and a pinch of sea salt. It hydrates, and offers a good balance of hydration, sodium, potassium, vitamin C and other electrolytes.

Their annual audits are no joke.  I don’t know how this woman thought she would get away with this. 

It still amazes me how people getting paid so much still want more. Many CEOs are legally receiving crazy bonuses and perks. 

Losing $140K to steal ~$33K seems pathological. This person is not well.

Added to this: all notifications just take me to the article, and I have to scroll to find them. Maybe contact the Help Desk?

I was sad to not be surprised this was a mugshot from Iowa and not Florida...

Embezzling is obviously morally wrong regardless, but this is next-level fuckery. How does this woman live with herself, defrauding a damn children’s charity??

140K is really good money for Iowa. She killed the golden goose over some trivial things I bet.

Wow. Very sorry to hear that. It’s such a great idea and mission. My stepdaughter was spiraling into deep depression over her health issues and Make-A-Wish helped her regain some joy and hope in her life when her mother and I were at our wits end. Truly, from the bottom of my rando internet stranger’s heart...thank

I am the sister of a wish child and I was a volunteer for 16 years. I worked on over 400 wishes during that time. I used to joke that they would have to bury me in my MAW t-shirt. And yet, two years ago, I stopped volunteering. It was like a death to me and it took me a long time to come to terms with the loss of

“So what if we can’t fulfill their dying wishes, I deserve at $10k bonus for being on the job four months dammit!!!!” 

My body bounced right back. And forth. And back. And... Honestly, it’s a regular Jell-o Jiggler now.

I’m trying to translate this mug shot. Is it “Yeah, I didn’t do a thing wrong” or “Yeah, I’m on meth, you wanna make something of it?” 

Where did Polk County pick her up that she looks like this in her mugshot? Was it one of those early morning raids or something? Greed is not good.

Dearest Jennifer:
Welcome to the Trump Kids Club!
To Hell with you all.

Jez reader for years, dirtbag fan for lyfe, but.... Who is this woman who had a child they’re talking about???

I assume Frances McDormand will play her in the movie version.

This makes me sad and angry. My stepdaughter was the recipient of a Make-A-Wish trip when she was a kid. The people we dealt with were so kind and empathetic and really created an experience for her that put some much needed light back into her life at the time. I fervently hope this person’s actions don’t cause

What the actual fuck? 

You never know, Joan. Maybe the writer at Us Today doesn’t understand what pregnancy is and thinks a C-section is an “Alien” type of situation. Maybe they’re gobsmacked by the fact that her mid-section is still attached to her limbs and thinks that’s “insane”. I would give them the benefit of the doubt.